Need a cockpit cover for the Old Town Loon 126

I have an Old Town Loon 126 (not the angler version) kayak that I have to store outside and I need a cockpit cover for it. Does anyone know what size I need to get or how to find that out? If anyone knows of one that will fit this and can provide a link to it Inwould really appreciate it. Thanks.

Any reason you can’t just store it upside down? On a couple of boards to keep it off the ground, better for the hull anyway. That is how my kayaks live outside when they are on the ground for a few days or, for the whitewater boats, year round… Glass sea kayaks and plastic ones.
If it is critters you are worried about, honestly nothing that will cover a cockpit that big is likely to be effective. You would be looking at nylon and they would go right thru it. Just take a peek in there once a week during any off season.
Your larger problem is hauling it, but with a cockpit that big you want to keep it upside down of possible if rain is between your paddling location and home.


Someone at the Austin Kayak Co. site asked about a cockpit cover for the Old Town Loon 126. Customer service stated they needed a size 7. Here’s the link to that product.

Celia’s advice about storing it upside down is spot on, even with a cockpit cover as the cover isn’t waterproof. But will keep the bugs out.

Thanks for the help and advice! I will be ordering the one in the link above. I am mainly interested in the cover to keep the bugs out of it, I am currently storing the boat on its side in a rack with padding where it makes contact with the rack. It is under cover where rain, snow etc. cannot get into it, so would storing it upside down still be better than on it’s side?

It’s fine on it’s side.

Some plastic boats are distinctly stronger on their sides than on their decks. I don’t think this is the case for the Loon, either is fine.