Are they fastened to the building?
Located in a wooded area, heavily loaded, and right against a shed, the rack is unlikely to be affected by wind or anything similar. Bears, earthquakes…?
No, the reason I asked, is that how wobbly a PVC boat rack is,with all of its fittings, without being fastened to a building or a fence.
Having run a restaurant service company for over 45 years, I’ve found that most quality PVC fittings fit together surprisingly tightly even before gluing. If you dry fit them too tightly, they can be sometimes be hard to get apart again. Some companies installing condensate drain lines in walk-in refrigerators where yeast can grow and block the lines just dry fit some of the fittings so they can be disassembled for easy cleaning. Being under no pressure they generally fit together so well that they don’t leak. Cheaper and easier than using Fernco fittings.
All that being said, if I were not planning to move the rack anytime soon or needed it to be disassembled to move it in the near future, I would glue all of the fittings. If the fittings were tight enough dry fit and the rack was not moved too much loading and unloading the boats, it might be fine without gluing. A single fitting loosening up would not likely cause a catastrophic collapse and could be tapped back into place. If not glued, it would be a good practice to check the joints periodically.
Yes I did. That day you recommended, still have yet for response
All of that is duly taken into consideration or an owner of a rack constructed that way can grab one of the horizontal supports in the middle, shake the rack and tell me how much wobble there is. Actual mechanical performance, not theory.
No, they are freestanding. They won’t budge.
That is what I wanted to know, with all the fittings, it does not wobble?
Okay since I started this mess, I do not know what is going on with @PaddleDog52, but put in a search where you search the forum and put in “@PaddleDog52 Tarps” and read the whole threads for information and suggestions on tarps. In the third thread that comes up, the lead post in the search is by @PaddleDog52 where he states where he gets his tarps. This ought to help you out.
Mine doesn’t wobble.
Well, I guess @rstevens15 was right, I was expecting some looseness. Sounds like PVC makes a very solid boat rack, for a nominal amount of money that doesn’t look bad either.
Fine until the UV light hits them and then they fall apart. Paint it or put it in the shade. Falling snow off the house roof can mess up boats. Tarps for your boats.
How many years would it take for UV to affect the structural integrity of PVC? The man said he would be covering the rack and the boats with a tarp and he got the thing for $30. What more do you want?
PVC pipe when exposed to UV light may experience some surface yellowing and a slight increase in brittleness, but this takes many years. UV generally affects only the .001-.002" of the exterior of the pipe according to the PVC Pipe Association. If concerned you can coat it with latex exterior paint, but I wouldn’t bother.
There you go @rstevens15 , the man got the rack,which contained 16 Sanitary T Fittings, for $30, is serviceable and people are talking about UV ray damage which would takes years to occur even if fully exposed and that wont even happen here because he is covering the rack and boats with a Tarp…Please
Edit: With all those fittings I did expect it to be a little wobbly but the second gentleman said his was ridgid, so you were right about the tightness of the joints .
Mjac. I believe you have the rack I initially posted about getting for $30… which I did… confused with a much larger rack with those 16 sanitary fittings posted by Afinch.
Where ya been it’s been 11 days…Not the way I see it. You have 4 horizontal bars coming off of each leg, each one of those horizontal connections takes a Sanitary T, 4 legs, 16 Charlot Pipe 1 1/4” Sanitary Ts at $7.28 apiece at Home Depot. ( That is high)
Oh ok. So my 1 1/4 inch pvc rack with the fittings and pipe new would be over $100.00 these days?
1 1/4” PVC Charlotte Pipe
8 pieces 10’ pipe @ $11.82 - $94.56
16 Sanitary Ts @ $7.82 - $125.12
4 End Caps @ 1.61 - 6.40
Total: $226.12
Plus tax, Glue and whatever labor, priced Home Depot which would be a little high.