2023 Great Alabama 650

I was just looking at the tracking map and trying to mentally calculate how much faster Bobby would need to go to catch Trey in the remaining distance. It’s going to be close!

Excluding any breaks, Bobby needs to go about 25% faster than Trey… right now he is achieving that but not sure how long he can keep it up.

From looking at the tracks, Bobby seems to be staying farther offshore than Trey is. I wonder if that is making a difference?

Congratulations to Trey!

Overall 1st and winner of the Men’s division.

The remaining front runners are closing in on the finish line. Here are their standings:

636.5 Bobby Johnson
636.4 Salli O’Donnell
626.1 Matt Taylor & Myles Sumerlin

And we should not forget about the rest of the paddlers that are still working hard to complete the race:

525.9 Mirko Pruefer
521.5 Ryan Gillikin, Rod Price
516.4 Brendan Forshee
511.9 Chuck Scheidt
506.5 John Knippers
457.9 Brad Friesen
454.9 Christian Logan
446.5 Jeff Matonis


So what’s up with the tracker? I’ve been following closely, enjoying the race very much, but now it seems to have frozen when the lead tandem team went to shore last night in the rain. Did they get across the finish line? Your updates have stopped too?

Not sure what is going on with the lead tandem team, their spot transmitter has not updated for 15+ hours. The other paddlers are still making progress. Here is the latest for those that are not checking the tracker:

642.0 Matt Taylor & Myles Sumerlin
585.6 Mirko Pruefer
585.2 Brendan Forshee
585.0 Chuck Scheidt
583.4 Ryan Gillikin & Rod Price
552.7 John Knippers
518.0 Brad Friesen
492.7 Christian Logan
484.3 Jeff Matonis

Finished (unofficial times)
6d06h21m Trey Reaves - 1st Overall and Men’s Division
6d10h36m Bobby Johnson - 2nd Overall and 2nd Men’s Division
6d11h28m Salli O’Donnell - 3rd Overall and 1st Women’s Division

Looks like Matt and Myles are moving again.

7d07h55m Matt Taylor & Myles Sumerlin - 4th Overall and 1st Team Division

Still enjoying the race tremendously! (from my computer in Michigan) These folks are incredible, and the website to track their progress is so much fun.

I’m dying for interviews and fresh pictures! I’m sure they have great stories to tell.

I can’t imagine having to paddle so much open water in Mobile Bay! And on the downwind side. Did they swap out kayaks when they entered the bay?

Friday Trey finished in daylight, but after dark the paths and speeds of Bobby, Salli, and the first tandem became erratic, all at the same time, then I found the weather overlay and saw that rain was falling on them out of the darkness and they were probably getting some pretty good winds. That’s when the tandem made a hard turn and went to the beach with the finish only seven miles away.

The next 4 competitors are well on their way to finishing, having made it through most of the bay. Here are the current standings

640.2 Ryan Gillikin & Rod Price
639.7 Mirko Pruefer
637.7 Chuck Scheidt
628.2 Brendan Forshee
616.8 John Knippers
580.0 Brad Friesen
538.1 Christian Logan
496.5 Jeff Matonis

Three more finishers:

Mirko Pruefer
Ryan Gillikin & Rod Price
Chuck Scheidt

The rest are still paddling hard!

Brendan Forshee finished.

641.2 John Knippers on a SUP (edited got the name wrong)
607.0 Brad Friesen
564.5 Christian Logan

Jeff Matonis has dropped.

John Knippers finished

624.1 Brad Friesen
581.4 Christian Logan

Knippers is said to be the first SUP to ever finish the Alabama 650.
8 days, 8 hours, 16 minutes

Brad Friesen finished.

The final racer is in the bay.
605.4 Christian Logan

621.7 Christian Logan

He has until 2:45 pm today to finish.

642.0 Christian Logan

9 miles to go and about 2h15m left. It will be close.