A ? for users of Cockpit Covers

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– Last Updated: Sep-16-16 12:05 AM EST –

See if that works. Or see if you can access my other albums via the Saguenay album link.

Saguenay was spectacular but the weather sucked. Hot and humid, heavy thunderstorms daily from about 6 PM to 6 AM with showers off and on the rest of the day. Expected the fiord to be cold but the surface was almost like bath water.

Winds got crazy too -- met a group who had planned to kayak camp downriver to the Ste. Lawrence but after spending an entire day to paddle the first 4 miles into the wind they gave up, pulled ashore and sent the 2 fastest boats back upstream to bring the shuttle cars down to abort the expedition. Did get to watch a pod of beluga whales feeding in Baie Marguerite, but from quite a distance.

And virtually NOBODY in that part of Quebec speaks English. But even gas station grocery stores in the middle of nowhere have delis with fancy pates, exotic cheeses and fresh baguettes.

BTW, the OP of this thread was there -- that's him in the paddling shots out in the fiord, in the yellow boat.

Bulkhead protection?
One reason I put one on before driving off is my concern, perhaps unwarranted, that having the force of a 70 mph wind on my bulkhead wouldn’t be good for its integrity. Over a life time of use, the collective force on the bulkhead would be substantial.

I drive cockpit up, so shedding the water from rain storms is very useful. Critter avoidance in storage is also a good use for it.

Upon arriving home from a drive, I’ll take the cover off and let the inside dry before reinstalling the cover and placing it in storage.