Pygmy Arctic Tern 14
I know I recommend this boat a lot, but it is in the top two of my “fleet” and I can’t say enough about it.
You can outfit it to your specifications, it comes in light (mine is 36#), it comes in well under $1000, it is easy to repair if necessary, and it looks darned good. It is short enough at 14’ to maneuver in small waters yet is an ocean-worthy craft.
What more could you ask of a kayak? It even has a recessed cockpit for layback rolls.
If you have any questions there are a bunch of Pygmy AT 14 fans out here that would gladly answer your questions and Pygmy is extremely helpful, also.
I love the feel of a hand-crafted boat and it fits me like a glove because it was fitted that way!
good suggestion on the Cooper
i’ve owned a folbot and liked the concept+price but there is something one should know about Folbot and this quote taken from their owners forum says it all:
‘have to be a complete home brew clamp… but there’s part of the fun…’
Having said that-or illegelly copied and pasted it- I wouldnt mind having a Cooper someday.
How about the manitou 14
It’s faster than the 13 and I hear it feels like a real kayak. No short 14 or 15 foot boat is going to have the top speed of a 16 to 18 foot boat but it may go middle speeds even easier than the long boats.
i had a necky alsek
it was 14’6" x 25" and i thought it was a very capable boat. it weighed about 50#. i sold it to a guy about your size and he loves it. the alsek is no longer in production but if you can find a used one you could probably get a good deal. i bought and sold mine for $400
For folders
you might also check out Fujita. I have no direct experience, but their owners speak very highly of them.
Echoing others, there are often quite a few folders to be had used. There are often some Nautiraid 416’s and 460’s on E-bay that a gentleman in CA is selling from a store stock that he’s been slowly liquidating. If I remember correctly, they are brand-new, still-in-the-box boats that are 2003 models, or soemthing like that, so the prices are pretty low - like around $1,000. Those are great, stout, seaworthy boats under 15’.
Kajak Sports Viking
They advertise 42 lbs but the real weight is 51 lbs. It is 16’4"x 22.4" which is over your 15’ but fits your specs otherwise. We have the original model not the expedition. Easy roller and fast boat for its size. Not much rocker so it is harder to turn but that is why it is fast. Has skeg. Due to some age and health issues, we need to get under 40 lbs so ours is for sale along with a couple others.
Fujita makes a decent boat
But fairly expensive. The Nautiraids from 2003 had lots of problems with delamination. Good luck on replacing the skin.
I like the weight of my Fujita.
The specs say 42lbs. Of course after you add the floatation bags, sea sock, etc., it’s closer to 50lbs.
Manitou 14
Frank–tell me how this works in big water, the manitou 14? Have you had it out in 2-foot plus waves? How does is roll and maintain track in chop? Thanks.
Eddyline Merlin XT
15’ on the nose & meant for a big boy. Believe there’s a used one for sale on pnet.
Looksha Sport
I dont know if you fit, but there is a Looksha Sport LV in carbon in the classifieds.
looksha iv
I will check it out. thanks.
merlin XT
The molded in thigh braces are in the wrong position for me. Maybe they could be sawn out and adjustable ones afixed…
Works great
Very neutral in wind and now available in composite at about 40 lbs. Boat does very well in bigger seas.
Used Swift Caspian Sea?
It’s a tad longer at 15’2" and wider at 24", but might be an option. In goldenglass with skeg, it should be about 48 lbs.
Looksha Sport LV
It is not a iv. The iv is 17’ and the Sport is 14’
Make new thigh braces of foam.
man, you’re either very picky or very helpless.
manitou 14 retrofitted
maybe the way to go, with a necky chatham backband and thigh braces. 50 pounds, skeg, 14 feet, cheapish. thanks salty, and to everyone else.
Tacoma Paddler…
there is a bunch of kayak symposiums coming your way in the next two months. They are the best places to go and try out boats both for fit and performance. No words on a computer screen is going to take the place of that. The one in Port Angeles is April 13/14/15, right on the waterfront…and it’s free. I’d suggest you go.
Not forgetting that you have a buttload of kayak shops within an hour or two!
port A
indeed…I’m hoping to be able to get off work.