Alternative Kayak Storage

I’m with Magooch…
The ‘port’ we call a yakshak. I’ve made two now. Simple wood frame construction and a ‘car port’ roof of corrugated fiberglass or aluminum. We have six boats and a trailer in one now and it didn’t cost so much as a grand. Of course we have no snow load, and cockpit covers keep the Black Widows out.


Real Kayakers have no car garage.
Seadart is right about that, especially in the summer.

My two stall also holds family bikes in the summer, but when winter rolls around, they go in hubby’s 3 stall.

Last resort
If I MUST, I will build a yakport. I even have my own cement mixer if i want to pour a slab under it. Sorry, the last 30 years I seem to always be working on the house and property and I bought the boat hoping to have fun & exercise once in a while instead – but these projects keep dragging me back in.

If I make one, I guess I’ll put a locking “door” on it for security, even if the sides are just latticework.

Thanks for all the input!