Another No-Name Swell Event

A strong high pressure system out in the Atlantic, directly east of New England, is helping to create some beautiful 3’ swells in the 10-11 second range.

Gotta get some work tasks done and get out there before we lose the short daylight!



Wow. Crazy good waves without the “price” of a storm. 3.5’ at 11-12 seconds with a touch of an offshore breeze.

Pretty zippy waves with some serious juice. Got maytagged pretty vigorously several times. Noticed that my front GoPro was gone after one of the spin cycles. The suction stand gave and the 100lb rated leash cord snapped. Guess there is no “free lunch!”

At a certain point, wanted to do some intentional roll practice on the outside. Went for the nose plug on my helmet leash and realized that in my rush to get out on the water, I forgot the helmet. I was lucky that the waves were breaking in deeper water. Some my head lucked out! Nevertheless, knowing that my head bucket was missing, time to call it quits. Still got in1.5 hours.



Got seriously and vigorously thrashed and gave another GoPro sacrifice to get the “gift” of some really unexpected nice waves. Classic yin/yang!!!



Gorgeous swells continue!



@sing , I immediately thought of you when I saw Keith Wikle’s postings on the Facebook “Inland Seas, Kayaking the Great Lakes” group. It’s a private, moderated group so you need to join to see the rest. Looked like a really fun day.

Yup. Kwikle used to be a very active member on PNet. He’s moved on (from this forum) though apparently not from rough water paddling. Our paddling interests tracked similarly in the early days of PNet.

Thanks for dropping the note on him. So, many of the other ole PNetters have simply disappeared over time to leave us wondering whether they are still paddling here or on the “other side.”


Lots more exploration, discussion and debate about the different types of paddling, venues and watercraft in the early days of PNet:


Keith is still quite active. I’ve seen his videos on VIMEO. He is also very much involved in teaching. I’ll see him at the WMCKA Symposium. He is also very involved in the Gales Storm Gatherng on Lake Superior.

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Unridden! Surfable waves continue to roll in. Unfortunately, COVID finally caught up with me over the Thanksgiving celebration. Starting to feel better. Maybe this weekend if the waves continue…


The waves still roll.
There’s much they bring.
Hopefully comes joy,
for all to Sing.