Any drone advice

Appropriate gratitude for the “grace” of civilized response/behavior.


Sweet. Me like monkey with stick.

I was not carrying a gun, either. Or even yelling. My first words to him were, “Was this another one to blame on Google?”

The driveway shooting—and now, the child-trying-to-retrieve-ball shooting—must sit heavily on people’s minds.

Guns are becoming the final “solution” to perceived problems by some.

(A legal gun owner who keeps his guns locked away when not hunting.)


From the article it appears you can legally shoot at anyone who accidentally drives on to your property. As if I didn’t need any more reasons to avoid Florida.

Yeah, go to Chicago

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This is how I reacted late one night 20 years ago when a Hispanic couple knocked on our back door. I answered the door the man asked if I could get his wife a glass of water as she was very upset. They both seemed in need of help. I had them in and got the water. He said he was in a fight and had been stabbed and pulled up his shirt to show the wound. I said I would call 911 for them. They thanked me as they left with the local deputy.

I have to wonder what would have happened to them if they had picked the wrong door to knock on. There is a story about a good Samaritan and a golden rule I think more people should revisit.

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BTW, the shotgun option for dealing with a drone is illegal.
None of us own the air space over our property. Park restrictions etc. apply to taking off, landing and operating drones, but only the FAA has jurisdiction over the air space unless the laws have been changed recently.


@castoff I actually agree. I found the picture and thought it was cute, but understand others may not.

Most people realize that staring or violating another person’s personal space is rude and unacceptable. Voyeurism is also illegal. So using a drone to intrude on another person is equally rude or illegal. That doesn’t mean every drone owners would do anything rude or illegal. However, I must admit that if a drone repeatedly showed up outside my bathroom window, at some point, it wouldn’t return to the owner. Legal or illegal. That might not justify my action, but . . .


Some people don’t realize how obnoxious their actions are, and many don’t care. I’ve been walking on a public wooded peninsula on Lake Superior with no humans in sight or earshot, except for the #$%! drone buzzing a couple hundred feet overhead. I never did find the operator.

When I visited a friend a couple years ago, he had just bought a new drone. Then he wondered why the hummingbirds disappeared for a couple of days, until the drone broke and they felt safe enough to return.

The only place for drones is on and over your own private property.

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Unfortunately there’s a fine line between being ignorant and obnoxious. If doing something in person is wrong, doing it from a distance is equally wrong. Whether eveasdropping on a conversation or using a telescope, wrong is wrong. Just dont do it.

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