Aqua -seal question

good one

Another suggestion, Iron Mend
Aqua Seal works great for fixing small holes. If you have a bigger problem, try Iron Mend. It’s essentially a 10" x 6" patch of neoprene seam tape that your skirt or wetsuit is held together with. You can cut it to your needs and use an iron to heat seal it in place. I have a skirt that was separating between the deck and tunnel; note, a high stress area. I used aqua seal inside the seams then Iron Mend to tape it back together. I’m still using the skirt over a year later. Nothing seals and repairs neoprene like neoprene.

Another storage tip for AquaSeal
If you don’t want to freeze it, just turn the tube upright (nozzle up) as soon as you have squeezed out what you need, and immediately wipe the threads of both cap and tube clean. Put the cap back on. Put the thing, still upright, in an airtight plastic bag. Then store it (still upright) in a container that keeps it from being knocked over.

This prevents the remaining goo from filling the opening and potentially plugging it, as well as minimizing the chance of air getting into the tube.

Shoo Goo vs Aquaseal
I did a sun exposure test a few years back comparing Shoe Goo, and Marine Goop, and Mcnett Aquaseal. They all looked similar starting out. After a couple weeks or so, the Aquaseal looked unaffected while the other two were deteriorating noticeable (yellowing, loosing flexibility, cracking). If I recall properly, there are several companies that make a product they all call Shoe Goo, so maybe some are better than others for UV resistance.

Aqua Seal
Aqua Seal is great stuff, but it dries up quickly once the opened. Once opened, keep it in the freezer.