Are Flares Waterproof?

These folks are the US dist…
…for Pains-Wessex, I believe.

Might call them and find out where to get one. I ordered my Pains-Wessex FastFind Plus from them a couple years back.

From the
official US Coast Guard Addendum publication on SAR:


Meteor: Rapid rise and descent/250-400ft height/10000-30000 candlepower/ 15-17nm vis range

Parachute: Rapid rise and slow descent/1000-1200ft height/20000-40000 candlepower/14-20nm vis range

Hand-Held: Steady/Assume 10ft height/ 500-15000 candlepower/8-16nm vis range

From the website :

A red flare at one end burns for 20 seconds at 10,000 candela

You decide…

when you say “get a gun”, do you mean the flare guns made by Orion, or something else? The Orion flare gun flares don’t seem any more substantial than their pencil flares.

the local REI has a basic flare pack…
same thing you can get at west marine…

CG does not like the dual signals! link.