Armor All on Kayaks

No Armor All
Not a pro about kayaks but I will say to avoid any use of the armor all basic clean and shine product. True folks have been using it for years but studies take a while to come out…it sucks and just ruins what it is applied to.

You cannot hang them from a ceiling or something…I am about to buy a 14’ Tarpon and plan on that baby hanging in my room.

Plastic film
My son used to travel to many car dealers and put this on. He used an alchol, water and baby shampoo mix. It’ll come off if its submersed in water for a long period.

No Armour All
I was in the auto upholstery business for many years and I can tell you from experience that it destroyed vinyl tops,convertable top,dashes and tires. One customer had an 80’s Toyota and the owners manual stated’Warranty void if Armourall used".

Buy some 303 and go paddling.

Armor All…it’s a NO
About five years ago, one of my sons college chemistry profs clearly stated, as mnay here have said, that ultimately Armor All could do damage to an autos dashboard and that he would never use it on anything.

Chemical Ingredients
Okay, so 4 years from now are we going to be buying some product called “Tree Sap 2” and demonizing “303” for it’s chemical content? What is that content anyway?

OH MY GAWD!!! Armor-All???
Ol’ Grandaddy kept a dead horse out behind the barn. That horse was dead as Hell. Yep, he kept it there behind the barn an’ every week he’d go out and spray it with Armor-All AND 303. Yessiree, he’d spray it up real good an’ then he’d beat that damn dead horse. Made a Hell of stink… Yep, he beat that dead horse for years…

As to blue tarps… they break down in sunlight. I keep mine under my canoe for protection.

touché !!!

303 is non-toxic and (supposedly)
bio degradeable. I doubt aftermarket uv protection will get a lot better while I am paddling. Incrementally better, yes. But not revolutionarily better.

source of beating a dead horse is?
Saw in a book of sea lore recently that the source of this saying comes from:

The fact that sailors were given a month’s wages in advance to blow on shore before going to sea. Because they were under contract to go, and would be hunted down and jailed, etc. if they skipped town, they then spent the first month working on the ship feeling as though they were working for nothing.

They called this beating a dead horse.

…I think I better purge my garage shelves of any Armour-all products before some tree hugger kicks my environmentally insensitive butt.

If it was the best technology
I’d be first in line to use it. You could manufacture lots of that stuff for the pollution of one kevlar boat. Use you brain. do some research, listen to folks who were in the auto upholstery business for years.

And since you cared to throw names around, I bet lots of brainless neanderthals and dottoheads will just throw it out in the trash rather (further poluting their local underground water) than troubling with hazardous waste disposal.

So is 303 good
for the dashboard of your car?

My local auto parts store carries it
They keep it in the “snake oil” section along with the oil treatments, turbine air intake devices and fuel system magnets.

It’s funny that the site you posted calls itself “Amazing Natural Solutions”, but the product is a “acrylic/polyurethane/teflon formula”. What part of that is “natural”?

yes absolutely and the leather seats too
though they now market a special procudt for leather.

Biochemist with no axe to grind?
Give me a break.

MIT 1965.

Thankyou for this informative post.

Point is, we have reason to think 303 is
one of the best available products for protecting boat surfaces against UV degradation. There are some reasons to avoid ArmorAll, reasons I have known for a while, but ArmorAll is neither sufficiently harmful to hulls, nor is it sufficiently harmful to the environment, that I would feel in the least guilty about using it on my boat hulls if I am out of 303 and have some ArmorAll around.

I really do not know how we are going to get through the 21st century if scientists and consumers do not quit exaggerating evidence.

Also good for…
hardtops, softtops, and tires.

It does not harm automotive paint, so if a little overspray gets on it, it doesn’t matter.

Several auto enthusiast websites mentioned using 303 instead of car wax and getting good results keeping old classics’ paint jobs looking good. Apparently, the UV protection will work on any nonporous surface. (Though it does not last as long as paste wax.)

I think they mean
It’s just naturally smarter to use their product, because it is clearly superior to anything else on the market. Try it, you’ll like it.

Paddling not Politics
I am sure that the 21st century will be a rousing success with leaders like you. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid man (or better yet, the Armor All).