As a senior paddler, I should know better

Doh! Sorry about your burn.
I have begun wearing sleeves to keep my arms from burning on bike rides. If I keep them damp they keep me nice and cool. I recently bought a new pair that repel water like a freshly waxed car! Crazy.

Sunshine and the vitamin D connection could be the explanation for the increased life span in the study. I have to avoid UV light as it can cause my immune disorder to flare up. Like those in Nordic countries I take supplemental vitamin D to offset any deficiency. I don’t use much sunscreen if any. I do wear long sleeve shirts and pants and wide bream hats when outside year-round. I spend lots of time outside.

There is also a connection between sunlight the eyes and the pituitary gland that is important in hormone regulation. So, it’s not just the sun on the skin that is important, but also the eyes direct connection to the brain.


The age creeps up and as String knows a nap seems more important than paddling the boats he has at the water. I usually find shade for that event. Thus as sun moves and shade leaves I wake up. Have taken the power naps a long side the river on long paddles. Battery charging.

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We are constantly getting burns here at work. Every craftsman has a jar of “Cumarindine” in their tool box. It looks like axle grease but takes the burn out and speeds healing. I had a friend have a radiator cap blow up in his face. He had a wet towel on his face while lying on an AC. I went and got him a jar and told him to use it. He told me he didn’t have time for any of my crap. I told him to hurt and left the jar with him. Stopped by to check on him the next day and he wanted to know just where he could get a jar. I don’t get any commission from this. Just passing along a tip. You can get it off Amazon.

Oh I think that is Emu oil?

My wife has some face stuff with aloe. It worked to remove the burn and I haven’t peeled yet.

All I can tell you is that it works.

Yesterday was my regular dermatologist appt. Now I’m peeling in spots.

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If I could just buy me a cannister
of that liquid nitrogen,
wouldn’t need ban’n de soleil
whilst shootin’ holes through my thick skin.

Wart s ‘n nomas dew in la plume
or is that done-in per frosty voiding?
Hey, I was never gonna skin no A-Team
not givin’ a damn with Rhet A. Noidin.

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