Assessment - 3 Star BCU

The way it was explained to me
was that there is a definite liability. Kinda makes sense in a way as you are defined as having safety skills and if anything happened, all eyes would be on you for explaining why, if you have these certified skills, you were not able to save or prevent something.

Probably not winnable in court but a definite headache nevertheless. I am sure there are lawyers on this board who could answer this a lot better.

for now I am so far removed skill wise to a coach that it doesn’t really apply to me.


I think the worry about
being a coach and liability is maybe just that, worry.

Whether or not someone else can be held accountable for someone elses actions during a non-sanctioned activity has never been categorically proven.

I know we are a litigious society, (having been sued myself for a dumb reason) but I think the worry is mislaid. Even in court each person must be held accountable for their own actions, unless they were signed up for an official course or a guided trip.

I practiced a lot doing figure eights backwards with the OI…not really a problem…maybe not as tight as I would like but I can do it.

Rained all day yesterday after work. couldn’t get out as the lightning was pretty dramatic over the lake.


The more I paddle the OI, the more I love it. It isn’t the most maneueverable boat, but I so far I haven’t felt limited relative to my buddies. And it is so fast, steady and so easy to roll. Actually, my friends are developing OI lust. One, a very good roller who you’ll meet when you get up to NC, paddles a Silhouette, and really loves the OI. I only wish I’d waited for the ocean cockpit version.

still trying
to get up there.

I have mixed feelings about the ocean cockpit for the OI. Yeah it would be nice to have but I am not sure that I am missing all that much not having it.

I did take the seat out and am using a pad (sometimes a happy bottom seat) with a paddlefloat for a backrest. And for masik purposes, a thick piece of minicell works fine.

I put a piece of moulding covered with foam against the footpegs and ran them all the way back, and put a 4 inch piece of foam cut to the size of the boat so I now have a comfortable foam bulkhead.


Kit for 3-star… or 4-star?
> I had … every piece of “kit” I own in the trunk,

full water bottles and even a thermos full of hot

liquid “just in case”

Sounds like you were ready for a 4-star assessment, not a 3-star, kit-wise. 3-star is not a “tripping” award, it’s a basic paddling-skill thing across all types of boats, not just sea. (I hear that may change next year.). So, a thermos full of hot Earl Grey, for example, is a good idea, but not necessary to get you by the 3-star. Likewise kits for first aid, repair, shelter, clothes, etc.

Congrats, by the way!


I read too much
And just wanted to be prepared for anything. He did ask about hydration and I had the unbottle (100oz) of water which I think is the minimum on any kind of paddle here in S. Florida. And I do drink it all after about two hours sometimes! the safety stuff I already had and when I said all of my kit in the trunk, well that is pretty much where it stays all the time anyway. Or on my pfd.
