average speed of kayak

I have it on good authority that when you are approaching the boat ramp, which has a porta-potty and you really have to go you can easily add 0.5 to 1.0 mph to your previous record top speed.


If I donā€™t clear the gps trip meter before paddling it measures this trip from the last GPS location. Hence my three hour paddle averages over the length paddled plus the milage from the last trip, point, etc. I often average 40 mph.

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Thatā€™s about what I have read a wing paddle increased performance. Never had the chance to try one. Didnā€™t want to buy one and be stuck with it if I didnā€™t like one.

PD, did you mean Wind or Wing? I suspect Wing because Winds are made to reduce stress by reducing blade surface area.