was at Capitol Reef for several days mid April. Excellent weather. Went back into 'town', road was coated with slick slush for 3-4 miles but in 'town' weather was pleasant again.
the West warmth flows well into what Easterners consider winter then stays colder/cooler into what easterners think of as summer esp with elevation extremes and then floating in the shadows of a deep canyon.
With Weather Underground almanac records for the month, the planner cold locate a town in a canyon for the desired time period n plan for those temps ...but worser of course.
Earth is a thermal flywheel storing summer's warmth in ground against less and more widely spread direct radiation warmth from Sunlight.
Down in the canyon mid April high in Utah, flywheel's stored energy was spent back in January, deep in the canyon receiving no new Sun energy...its cold down there !