Bacterial contamination of Jacks Fork

You are in high dudgeon over this, and rightly so. You questioned the statement by the authorities regarding whether or not E-Coli was harmful, but that bacteria is usually not the culprit.

Lets see… if my memory of “Standard Mehtods for the Examination of Water” is intact…E-Coli is a Gram negative, non-spore forming rod bacteria. Common to the guts of warm-blooded animals, it is reasonably durable and therefore makes a good indicator of the presence of other REALLY harmful bacteria and viruses. The biggies are Cholera, Hepatitus A, Typhoid, and dysentary-causing bugs. I think it might be safe to assume that E-Coli being present in a sample MIGHT indicate the presence of Giardia as well (again, guts of warm-blooded organisms).

This sounds like a classic examle of an ecological system being overloaded with waste, and the balance tipping. It may not be as bad as a CAFO, but it sure ain’t your basic family farm operation.



– Last Updated: Aug-26-05 4:40 PM EST –

I was being sarcastic.
I can go into that mode in a heartbeat.
It typically happens when someone(typically bureaucrats, hustlers, shysters, and politcians, aka "birds of a feather")are trying to "run a scam" on the public.

The aforementioned "birds of a feather" are alive, well, and thriving in Missouri. They have done so little, for so long, while continuing to reap the monetary rewards that comes with their positions. They have begun to believe their own BS is gospel; they also believe the general public is stupid, uninformed, and gullible.

Bottom line: it's all about the money, making the money, spreading the money/power/postiions, to those who assure that the money continues to flow.....just like the crap flowing down the Jack's Fork River!

It is either a National Scenic Riverway & protected as such, or it isn't. It is designated as a National Scenic Riverway, but it is, in fact, used like a sewer above & below Eminence, Missouri.
Bureaucrats from the National Scenic Riverway, Dept. of Conservation, and Dept. of Natural Resources, "among others", have been studying, and "passing the buck" on that section of the river for years & years & years!
Bring a pile of crap into your house & dump it on the living room floor. Look at it, study it, measure it, do graphs, post signs, give the public percentages & statistics on it, smell it, touch it, taste it, pour water on it, and talk about it for 7 or 8 years. At the end of 8 years if you don't "really" do something to resolve the problem, the pile of crap will still be in your living room. DUH!