Bellingham to Skagway - Denis Dwyer

Oona River…
…Last night Denis camped at a bend in Petrel Channel. Sure would like to know if his route to Petrel behind Anger Island was due to conditions in Principe Channel but lighthouse weather reports didn’t suggest that was the case. Maybe it was just for a more intimate experience. Petrel is big but not like Principe.

Today he entered Ogden Channel and made good time to Oona River, a Scandinavian settlement at the mouth of the Oona. He’s probably sleeping in the school house tonight.

Depending on wind, currents and the outflow from the Skeena River he will make Prince Rupert tomorrow (~22 NM) or stop at Kitson Island Marine Park just 7-ish NM short of PR and a nice place to camp.


Updates to your observations
Hello Chodups

I just ran across this string of posts and am impressed at how well you were able to interpret what was happening to me by looking at my Spot track.

I’ll go down the list and give some brief updates to the information and let you know how close your observations were to what was actually going on.

This may take a few days


Boyles Point Rock Campsite

You are correct. The wind started blowing too hard to paddle and I ended up spending two nights on the rock. It was actually a pretty good place to camp considering what other options I had in the area which were none. Coordinates: 50°49.06N x 127°1.08W


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