Best way to the Allagash?

I’m headed up to Chamberlain Bridge to paddle the Allagash on Friday, Comming from the south should I go to Millinocket and then up the Golden Road to the Telos Road or should I go through Greenville and head up through Kokadjo?

I have the Delorme book and four wheel drive. Thanks for the help.

We always go in at Millenocket
after crossing Chamberlian we head up to Spider Lake, look for this sign.

but they are going to Chamberlain Br
not Churchill dam some miles away. Thirty by lake…dunno by car.

Millinocket is usually faster. The road from Kokadjo is sometimes rough and we did not take it for two years so I dont know its current shape.

Golden Road is paved to the Telos road turnoff and that wide dirt road is always in excellent shape.

stay on I-95 goto Medway/Millinocket

– Last Updated: Jun-08-10 2:24 PM EST –

Much easier....and make sure to cross your left..onto the Golden Road at the intersection of where the Park and Twin Pine roads start. Going straight ahead will put you on the Park road.