Black Flies


but no spaces LOL NM

– Last Updated: Apr-10-09 4:43 PM EST –

sorry. I learned something that makes that statement inappropriate.

Good reference
Here is more information that conflicts somewhat with the Florida information.

that’s the culprit
(little bastage)

We get stable flies confused with black flies commonly here and I’ve noticed also along the north shore of Erie.

Oil products
My wife and I have tried several herbal remedies and found “Burts Bees” herbal spray to actually work! Problem is that it’s very oily, which I believe is the reason it worked so well.

I applied it to my arm several years ago in the UP and watched the black flies and stable flies land on my skin. They quickly flew away. Problem #2, it wore off pretty fast so you had to reapply often.


Vitamin B supplements?
I spent a summer at U of Michigan’s Bio Station, commonly called Bug Camp. Spent a lot of time in bogs, fens, swamps and marshes collecting freshwater algae. Took Vitamin B supplements all summer and hardly was bothered by black flies or mosquitoes.

Maybe ours were unstable.

Please help the cause

You can see the official Maine Blackfly Song there too.

you can’t call them that anymore
IT’s unkind. Try “mentally disadvantaged” flies.

some other options

The article discusses mosquito reppency but has anyone used any of these other options?

If I put fennel seeds on myself I’d be watching out for bears and cannibals.

Badger Bug Balm

– Last Updated: Apr-10-09 3:28 PM EST –

Used to use something called "Green Ban," a citronella based product, but it isn't made anymore. Started buying Badger Balm a few years ago. It is also citronella based. I smear it on my head, on a bandanna around my neck, etc. I just can't stand DEET.

Best thing I've found though, is a breezy campsite NOT close to flowing water and a good attitude. I can't stand headnets, feel too claustraphobic to me.

And g2d, Blackflies are smaller than those Black COLORED flies you find in the BWCAW in July. I think those are those "Stable" flies. The BWCAW's blackflies are typically in late May-mid June. They tend to get into every orifice, but IMHO don't bite nearly as bad as those gray-black "Stable" flies you sometimes see in the BWCAW in July. WW

I saw a fellow
wearing a hardhat covered with grease, the black flies would get stuck to the helmet. Not sure if that works

They were smarter than us !

My Gawd…
All of these snake oil options to get at a silly little bug. You folks want to canoe or maybe “kayak” in the woods. Bugs is a part of the woods. Get used to it.

Or you can slather on the latest and greatest balm, deet or put on your pansy bug shirts.

Why do you need advice? Either paddle during bug season or you don’t paddle during bug season.

I have seen BUGS, but now I choose a small windows of opportunity pre and post bug season to paddle. If I have to paddle during bug season, I bleed and pay the price to the ecosystem. No freaking big deal. Otherwise you melt plastic with your deet and stink to high heaven.

Go ahead, flame on. It is just that every year on the watercraft forums and the hiker forums there is the annual “FEAR OF THE DREADED BLACK FLY” thread.

Now hear this. Any day getting eaten to death by the black flies still beats a freaking day in the cloth covered cubicle hands down.

Just one opinion.

Whoa, take a break…

This is an advice board yeah? Someone asked for advice…

No one is forcing you to read this thread are they?

Go paddling and stop reading…

I drink
lots and lots of Pale Ale until I just dont care anymore. I heard Makers Mark has the same effect.

Here in NH
the black flies are almost as bad as Maine! I hate using DEET and have tried a whole slew of herbal products. The one that I found works really well for me is Repel Lemon Eucalyptus. It just doesn’t last as long as DEET, maybe about 2 hours before I need to reapply. I agree with the post about different body chemistries. I know people who swear by Skin So Soft, but it doesn’t do diddly for me!

Black fly repellent in the Adirondacks
Repel Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent works for us.

Been feekling guilty all night.
Tossed and turned, got no sleep, so here I am at 5:21 am pouring my guts out.

Charlie W is right - we should embrace the black fly, not kill it. So I will forego treating my Bug Shirt with permethrin to kill 'em, and just use the shirt as a barrier.

Not sure if I can sign onto the concept of actually feeding them though…I donated many gallons of O+ before I discovered the Shirt, so my “lifetime contribution” may have already been made.

Anyway, they are such cute little devils.


reformed by CEW.

Advice: Use nothing, stop worrying about bugs, go paddling, stay out of cube.

Lots of advice.
