Blackflies and Noseeums

no but I will
they chased me right out of the Everglades.

Oh the ice went out Thursday. We paddled Sunday. I had a blackfly try to approach…

They ALL will be here soon.

The best thing for no-see-ums is :
Avon skin so soft.

When we first moved to the south, I thought all the truck drivers and construction workers at the SC coastal areas smelled like a bunch of queers, but I sooned joined them.

That stuff works like a charm

Jack L

where is the smiley that has me hitting myself on the head…

I have been researching what works against the beach no seeum in Florida as the ones in Maine dislike DEET .

The ones in Florida could care less about DEET.

Where is the Avon Lady? Is there still an Avon Lady?

Deet also works good on them
If your deet is several years old, throw it away and get some new stuff.

jack L

DEET is mean stuff,

and it worked for about five minutes in Newfoundland

against No-see-ums. I hate that crap.

Many field biologists I know swear by the Avon skin-so-soft.

I’d like to know results of an Herbal-Armor test against Skin-so-soft, arm-for-arm.

maine bugs 2011
I would be willing to bet cash money that the bugs are gunna be really bad this year in Maine. Plenty of standing water for mosquitos and flowing water for black flies. Last year was very dry, especially in the spring, so the bug population never got going. I would suggest all out-of-staters(except me)stay out of Maine for the entire paddling season.