boat choice - yes, I DID use search :)

End of season
I think your challenge is going to be that it’s the end of the season and selection is going to be very limited. How about waiting until next season and asking if they will give you the same conditions (sale or whatever applied to this purchase)?

Personally if I had $1100 I would buy a great used kayak off Craigslist. Now is a good time to do that. While REI has little stock, many people try to sell their kayaks in the fall. And you can bargain with them because most people aren’t buying now.

I think you should get a refund, do some more research, and hit Craigslist.

Try with low-profile paddling shoes on!
I much prefer to have a kayak that fits me with paddling shoes on - even if they are low profile. Unfortunately, most kayaks do not fit me with shoes as I have very large feet and long legs. For you it should not be an issue, hopefully, but consider that when you test-sit. Unless of course, you like to be barefoot, in which case it would be OK to have a tighter fit under a low deck…

not in SE U.S.
way north of you.

These prices were for new and floor model Alchemies in both S and L sizes. Not online. Not everything is online :wink:

Ok, thanks.
Well, I could hope. Those prices would be too good to resist.

some additional info
Hi everyone,

Thanks again for all the advice. I actually wrote to Liquidlogic, and I got a reply suggesting that I would be “well within” the specs of the Inuit 13.5, in spite of my size 11 feet and 5’10 frame. I wonder if some of the recommendations for size have to do with the fact that this boat is marketed sometimes as a rec boat, so more space is factored in. I would plan to use it as a more responsive fit, to grow some maneuvering skills with.

It is very tempting to take the Perception Expression 15 instead of the 14.5 which I was planning on initially, but it really seems that it would be too big for me. It may also be better for going out to sea, but less suited form smaller river/rock garden type of environments.

Somewhat related point: anyone know why the Inuits are significantly heavier that similar sized boats? They keep advertising a tougher hull - is that why? If true, it would be a good thing, for a noob who might run into rocks…

Where are you located? I haven’t seen that in any of your posts. If you’re anywhere near NW Oregon, email me or something. I have a Tempest 165 and a Perception Essence 17 you’re welcome to come sit in or even test paddle.

From what I’ve read, the Expression 15 sounds like a good boat. It’s a hair smaller than my Essence (in terms of cockpit and deck height), but the deck height will help fit your shoe size I think. I’m no expert at this; I’ve been working through my own fitment issues in another thread with all of these fine people on this site.

But if you can get a refund, I strongly recommend it. I picked up my Tempest and Essence for about $600 each. Both are a few years old, but they’re in good condition. If you have an iOS device (iPhone or iPad), get one of the Craigslist apps and plug in all the regions around you that you’d be willing to travel to if you found something you liked, then search. It’s better than trying to do it on the computer. But that way you’d have a better selection of boats to choose from.


Stay away from Point 65N
Point 65N has horrible quality. I will never buy anything again from them.

As a previous poster recommended, try the Dagger Alchemy.

As for the best 15’ kayak, hands down the P&H Delphine!

My Inuit is one of the most used boats
The Inuit 12.5 is the shortest “touring” boat in my fleet but it is nearly never left at home. The Inuit design may be overlooked by many as a rec boat for being short and wide but it is a great rough water boat, and it can keep up with boats several feet longer with not much higher effort. The seating is adjustable to who ever gets in it, and is comfortable for long trips. I do not think you could go wrong with any of the Inuit boats.

I ended up with the Inuit
Hi everyone,

I actually ended up getting the Inuit. Because of the order mess-up, REI actually sold it to me at a discount that amounted to an offer I couldn’t refuse :slight_smile: It didn’t even involve a horse head!

Thanks all for the advice. So far the fit seems quite fine, even before doing any adjustments.