borrowed coleman infestation.....

why not dunk it in the water?
That should take care of the ants and the sloshy water.

Oh No
You should’nt have said you actually sat in a Pelican. All the board Elitists aren’t going to talk to you now.

Question…you mentioned you learned to paddle in a Pelican, but Baldcanoeloser or whatever it calls itself claims they cant be paddled, along with the other yuppie canoe brand nazis. But since you’re a former owner…I guess the do float and paddle. I guess baldy and the other followers dont really know what they’re talking about after all.

Definition of Coleman Infestation
Anytime there’s more than one.

Hey Mjflores
I have paddled colemans so feel qualified to affirm that it is an inefficent and ineffective design. They generally are bought then discourage the owners(not all but many.) I have my home town listed in my profile so if you get to the charlotte area I will gladly go for a paddle with you and let you try any one of boats so that you can understand the differences of design.


Denver NC

Some “Board Elistists” —
Just might have started in a crappy canoe, but enjoyed the experience so much they realized, the difference and pleasure that a good canoe could provide for them, and then used their head and moved on.

I for one just happen to know that Bald paddler could probably teach you a few strokes, but then again maybe you are content to stay with your Coleman and not progress to a craft that glides through the water instead of plowing through it.

