Building a wood/ fiberglass kayak

check out the Penguino
Pygmys 13’ kayak boat. It’s a very nice handling fat kayak for people who are too big for the AT14. Someday Lockwood will made a complete coaming recess and integral thigh braces for their kits. The Shearwater Merganser has the simplest and most elegant design for a coaming and integral thigh braces.

Have you tried
the Penguino 14.5? I just saw that one on the Pygmy site.


Never did a stripper or a stitch/glue,
but I’ve built two kit harpsichords and a clavichord, and I second the advice of those who say don’t try to follow a schedule. The secret to a fine result is thoughtful, patient, work, not a rush to fudgement.

Best advice I can give you is…