camping routine on expedition

label each bag, too
write on it what the bag contains; food, kitchen, sleeping, clothes, drywear, etc. For clear bags use a big piece of white duct tape to write on. do it on both sides of the bag so you can see at a glance what’s in it. I tried color code but found the written labels to be more fool proof, especially in low light.

AMEN!!! By the way…
Ranger wiping is not for the light stomached!!


Paddle easy,


Wouldn’t it be easier to heat your food and pack it away? Cooking in a paddle boat seems like a bad idea to me…


sign up with Carl Shepardson
Carl leads several trips a year with the NH AMC. You’ll get your fill of long distance technique, if you can keep up! Carl eats cold breakfast, no hot drinks. He’s out of camp in 15 minutes. On the water, HIS HANDS NEVER COME OFF THE PADDLE. No checking GPS, no reaching for the water bottle, no nose picking. I think that’s the real secret.

Anyone have any experience with this?

Seems to be the perfect camping and expedition food in the smallest size calorie for calorie and energy.

I am going to try and mix up a batch both with suet and with honey or peanut butter. This food realy interests me.

Lots of deer meat around these parts too.

some dried blueberries or choke berries, crushed/powdered dried meat, suet, crushed/powdered dried fruit and nuts, mix/form into bars and away you go!


1/3 sea water 2/3 fresh works well NM

wow, good idea
I precook good, low fat hamburger and run it through the blender to reduce it to about birdshot size. It rehydrates easily in camp for tacos. It would be easy to mix this ground up ground beef into peanut butter and honey with the other nuts and dried fruits. I’m not eager to try the suet, though. My taste sensibilites are too far removed from my paddling ancestors I guess.

any expeience with powdered milk?
Seems like a good way to add protein and fat to oatmeal and Cream of Wheat. I can make the milk and bring it to a boil and add the Cream of Wheat and stir continuously till done, otherwise it sticks to the pot really bad. This year I’ll try powdered milk with Oatmeal, too.

Another thought on Oatmeal, I can’t stand the instant oatmeal packs, they are too sweet and phony tasting. I like the real big Rolled Oats. It takes 10 minutes to boil the real oatmeal, which uses considerable fuel. I’m wondering if I presoak the oatmeal overnight if it will cook any faster? Any thoughts?

about pemmican
only thing I have heard and read repeatedly is that the shelf life really depends on how well the fat in the meat is rendered. the recommendations are something like beef jerky but without all the spices and seasonings and you could use rendered stuff like shortening I guess also.

Our American ancestors used this food for a survival and high energy food as well as early trappers .

fascinating stuff. I can’t wait to try some.


oatmeal and milk
use the 1 min oatmeal and run it through a blender at home to make the flakes even smaller. At camp try not boiling as long and putting a cozy around the pot to keep it hot instead. Try expermenting at home first so you know the times you need to boil vs cozying right. With the dry powered milk, I add the plain flavored dry coffee creamer to it. It tends to make the “milk” taste better. I pack the milk/creamer in a freezer zip lock baggie and write “milk” on the side. Then just use what you need.

I’ve unintentionally hijacked Memphis’ thread, so I’m starting a new one for camp cooking


for backpacking…
saving fuel matters. sea kayaking and canoeing? bring your favoured oats, and other foods that require longer boiling, an extra 650ml bottle of fuel is so compact and easy to squeeze into any little void why scrimp?

pemican recipe
I made some pemican long time ago, back in the early 80’s. Took it on a back pack trip to Isle Royale. It was great stuff, but like anything else if you eat it every day you get pretty tired of it. I remember putting pieces of it between thumb and forefinger and holding it up in the air. The Canada Jays would land on your hand and gobble it down. Not a P.C. thing to do today however.

I kept my pemican simple. Got recipes from Native American research, used Deer meat in place of buffalo, dried blueberries, in place of choke cherries, and rendered beef fat. It’s really quite good, consistency of a thick thick oatmeal. Good source to look up would be the Mete Tribe in Canada, they made huge bunks of it and traded to the English fur posts for their winter survival, and the Red River colony in present day Winnipeg. Any of the Buffalo culture tribes you research will lead you to a recipe. It’s been so long since I made some. If you can’t find a recipe I’m sure I got a few around here in a book some where, and I’d be glad to email it to you.
