Canoe advice> Minnesota II on the Green River Utah?

yikes, that’s scary!

how did you get off the river? did you paddle thru Cataract Canyon?

Yup, rowed/floated, not in a kayak.

nice! I got to row the Main Salmon a few years ago, loved it…

Or you can take out at Mineral Bottom, the last road access before the Confluence.
Or if you are a paddler made of steel you can eddy hop upstream to Moab like Jerry Nyre and his friend from Colorado.

Or, perhaps, if you are like Verlen Kruger or Steve Landick you can just turn around and paddle back up the Green to your launch site.

2 weeks before we were set to launch at Mineral Bottom several years ago a flash flood cut the road to pieces. fortunately, we were able to score a San Juan permit, and put on at Mexican Hat (my fav run so far!)

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