canoe/kayak whats the difference?

Bulrush canoes would make more sense
Theres a lack of hardwood on the Tigris.

Pants are an option for us ugly kneed ones. Don’t make me get a deck!

You can always tell a kayak

– Last Updated: Aug-29-08 9:58 AM EST –

in canoe country.. It leaves a spoor. Just follow the plastic smudges on rock.

I followed one green trail for a kilometer in Quebec a couple of weeks ago.

The canoeists I travel with tend to be the uber light backpacking kind, because we do Shield lakes.

Maine river trips leave me hooting...seems everything except the microwave gets brought..thought paddling was to get away from it all.

You can always tell a canoe in kayak country. They moor it to the bottom when they find it floating and the USCG paints a number on it.

try this
Post with the subject “are sit-on-tops real kayaks?” No message body will be necessary.

– Mark

I think the main difference between
them is the nature of the individual that paddles each respective vessel.

For example, here is a kayaker:

Here is your typical canoeist:

Follow where you heart leads

(with an ‘r’ added for correctness, but no other qualification.)

that works both ways
not long ago I put wheels on my kayak and hauled it up a rocky trail from the water. The whole way I followed a deep furrow that turned out to be from the keel of a canoe dragged flat on the ground by one person. It made me a little light-headed, but here the abuse laws all favor the owner so what could I do?

Simple: You can
get “laid” in a canoe. You cannot in a kayak…unless it’s a huge rec. boat thing. But what would that be???

nice one
love it. Pissed myself :slight_smile:

proves my ism that the right answer is always maybe.

but I followed a green plastic spoor in Temagami for 920 m. As its not a cartable trail with several 25 foot lowerings a cart would not have helped.

Perhaps an inflatable/deflatable was needed

That would be pretty cool
in a 23 inch wide waterline solo…get that seat out of the way!

Canoes are not all haha barges.

That would be pretty cool
in a 23 inch wide waterline solo…get that seat out of the way!

Canoes are not all haha barges.

The flex of a kayak’s deck

…has advantages.

Paddlin’ on



– Last Updated: Aug-30-08 9:01 PM EST –

Dat last daguerreotype of de canooist be a fake. Iffin' he wuz a real genooine canooist he'd be a'waarin' a Tilley.

Fat Elmo

you can spell kayak backwards same word
canoe forget it.


It sounds like you watched the “racing” events in Beijing! Hull design for racing will be similar…but with the distinction of the kneeling vs sitting. Start by getting out there and “doing it”. The joy of paddling, like a lot of activities, isn’t in the “watching it”…

find a local club

– Last Updated: Aug-31-08 4:11 PM EST –

PNet is great for certian things. But if you really want to "study" and get informed ....find a local club and look someone in the eye and talk to them. Paddle and ask along side them. Go to an outfitter and get schooled. Don't trust the internet too much. It's too hard to tell the real paddle snobsters from the wannabees. If you hook up with a dick in the real world, move onto another club or outfitter as soon as possible.
It's pretty easy to weed out the jackasses. They usually expose themselves as soon as they open their mouth.

Hey Bruce, Isn’t the canoe/kayak…
chasm wide enough without your dissin’ canoeist? In case you didn’t know there’s even a difference between canoers and canoeists. I know of a lot of great paddlers in both canoes and kayaks. I know your not the the typical kayaker by the way you prefer style over substance. Your “yaker” model seems like the typical yuppie yaker, looks flashy, in vogue, the latest fad, and would probably wet his patagonia shorts in panic the second his eletronic gizmo went overboard and probably die of starvation surrounded by a banquet in vegetaion unless a canoeist is there to guide the wet-nosed, pompous punk back to civilization just so he can brag about how he conquered the wilderness all on his own. Yes, your canoeist model sure ain’t much to look at but could probably paddle circles around your yuppie yaker. As for me I’ll take substance over flash anyday.

Ya tell 'em, pilgrim…