Cold water rolling question

I always wear mine over. With all the extra buoyancy from the Tuilik and the vest, I almost float to the surface before starting the roll. It’s pretty neat.

cold water is the reason we learned
to roll right? so we wouldn’t have to swim in it.

I got someone else with me here… to film the action…

No, rough water is the reason
…I learned to roll. I didn’t want to be limited to only flat water, or to waste time/body heat on wet exits and re-entries (though I practiced those and still do, just not as often).

That is awesome…is this your kayak? If so , did you paint the design on it? I love it. I REALLY want to make a Tuilik now. I love the tinkling of the ice…i have paddled in ice like that…i feel like i am paddling in a frozen Margarita.LOL. Very cool!

Not just for cold water…
I use Doc’s plugs and a face mask for pool sessions as well. Water in your ears from rolling practice can make you dizzy or nauseous. There is a point at which the chlorine starts bothering my eyes. The diver’s mask takes care of both my eyes and nose.

BTW, ww outfitters often carry Doc’s plugs. I’ve bought them from Sacandaga Outdoor Center and believe I’ve seen them at Zoar. It might be a nearer source for you.

someone in Burlington,Vt
has them…that would be the closest.The company sent me a list. Hmmm, maybe i will get back to Burlington some day!