Critters showing their personalities

I’ve never seen brown seagulls. I probably only saw post-pubecent ones. They’re cute.

It’s probably an evolutionary adaptation typical of many species. Losing camouflage being part the transition from being land-based potential prey to being a sky and water-based hunter.


Its crazy how things like that work out!

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Oh thank you! I used to have a place in Catalina and we had lots of gulls, I don’t recall these at all. You sure know a lot :+1:t3:

Do you ever listen to evolutionary biologists Brett Weinstein and Heather Heying? Podcast

I bought their book but haven’t read it yet.

The big cranes species ? came through quite a bit this past month. High and fast, way out of iphone gopro range. It’s deceptive though, because they look huge, I always believed I got a shot … lot of sky

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I visited the Bosque del Apache preserve in central New Mexico near Socorro one early December when massive flocks of migratory birds were stopping there on the flyway en route to winter grounds in Mexico and points south. The marshes and surrounding mowed grain fields were filled with tens of thousands of snow geese and sandhill cranes.

The towering cranes made a constant clacking sound and there was one fostered juvenile whooping crane in their midst, standing out as a white flash amidst the dun brown sandhills and the dried grass fields.

The snow geese covered some fields like a solid white blanket and when startled, would rise in a curved wave, like a giant was tossing a huge duvet in the air. Coyotes lurked in the copses around the open areas, looking to pick off the old and the weak.

I’ve got photos sonmewhere on a thumb drive but have not unpacked all the boxes from my recent move yet.


Just a couple more recent ones where I had already passed the critters before I saw them so they stayed calm.

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It’s impressive that you caught the “water dance” from the one gator.

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I’m a FloGro (Florida born) and been around gators all my life and never been attacked or even harassed by one. Cows kill far more people every year than sharks and gators combined and deer are the #1 killer of humans in the U.S.

If you really want a cool paddle, go down to the Everglades, the only place in the world where gators and crocs live together. Great Whites are here in Florida too but our deer are pretty small so you’re safe.

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Cows and deer don’t bite bloody chunks out of you with their big teeth.


Warehouse Creek, Kent Island, MD


Doesnt matter String, I like the bold assertion. I never had an alligatpr chase me, but I did have a cow look cross at me, and I didn’t like it.

I’ve seen them. Magnificent!

I admit to not being a fan of Florida (i have very low tolerance for heat, high humidity and flat land) but a past boyfriend with whom I traveled a lot talked me into taking a week long trip to southern FL and the Everglades. We spent several days in 'Glades City, paddling in the Ten Thousand Islands, then crossed west to east, stopping at every nature center and wild preserve, eventually tent camping at Flamingo and checking out the Everglades on as many of the hiking trails as we had time for. It was a real eye-opener how common the gators were and how they were everywhere with no kind of barriers between them and the tourists. Only got to see one croc – that year there was just one midsized one that had taken up residence in the Eco Pond, surrounded by flamingos and spoonbills. My weird boyfriend was most fascinated by the prevalence of his favorite birds, the vultures, who hung out on the campground dumpsters. It’s a fascinating ecosystem, some of it quite beautiful. I am glad I got to see it but there were enough human-related creepy situations on that trip that I am not inclined to ever visit the state again.


@willowleaf, years ago, I had a business trip to Tampa during July and a two week trip to Jupiter visiting friends during March. During 1971, I was also stationed at Ft Rucker, Alabama and frequently traveled to Panama City , Florida. My tolerance for heat and humidity is low, but I still prefer hot weather over cold. Once I get saturated, getting supersaturated doesn’t matter to me.

The everglades is a most fascinating environment. I couldn’t get over the freshness of the air - expecting swamp gas and decaying vegetation, instead.

The way tourists approached the gators without fear shocked me as well. Maybe the gators find the flavor of a tourist distateful, after all, they don’t look very appetizing!


Momentary madness?
Some say the point is mute.
Where most might ponder swan’s way of wander,
a Proust about Proust roost.

And ya ain’t jus whstlin’ Dixie,
now Whistler’s mother of the Tundra.
And orange ya thrilled swoops not Black Bill,
Trumpeter of its pirated plunder


The Spa and Sauna of (forcibly) Retired Asylum Workers, or The Inmates Are Running the Coconut Farm

I saw one croc floating in the Glade,
one shoe-up short preying de sant is played,
where Sunshine State sweats within dark personas,
person banality is eschewed by the fauna.


I’ve never heard the cow and deer analogies. Those are great. I was threatened by a young buck one time while paddling, it was snorting and stomping and tearing up a bush at the edge of the river as I passed in my canoe. It had my full respect and I was glad it didn’t just come after us in the shallow river. My black lab was giving me that worried look.

I used to visit south FL regularly for work and I thought all your furry critters were scrawny and basically just reptile food. Love the little piggies running around wild.

Well I’m enjoying everyone’s posts.

Have you ever rescued an insect? Just me? I had to go back after gliding past this dragonfly in trouble yesterday. As usual the insect was happy to hang out on my absorbent towel until they were thoroughly dry and I was happy when this one took off.

Today I came across this totally calm medium size snapper. Who’s a good dog?


In case ya’ll didn’t know, every feral hog in the country is descended from 7 little piggies Hernando De Soto left in the Tampa Bay area.

They are the ultimate invasive species, as far as mammals do.

I used to do environmental field work and have been surrounded by aggressive cows looking for their food. I have also see the largest Eastern Diamondback ever, at 12 feet, and the mother of all Eastern Indigo snakes at over 20 feet.

In southeast Fla, I have been chased by Green Iguanas and in southwest Fla I have been chased by Black Iguanas, who are much more aggressive.