Dealing with swans

Hope you are not serious
Anyone who takes pleasure in causing the death of an animal needs help. If you are not serious it is not very funny.

Dealing with trolls…
don’t feed 'em.

black market
If you need of a couple of bucks you could try to catch a pair. Not sure what price they would bring on the black market but if you order a pair of swans from a hatchery the price starts at $1,500.

My wife wants a pair for our lake but I won’t cough up the cash. If a pair was to come up for sale for around $500 I’d be intrested…just sayin’

It’s just because someone was in a kayak
Recall, this is guy who takes pleasure in being a know-nothing about kayaks…

I dont know why a kayak would have anything to do with it…you can stow a pump 12 gauge in a kayak just as well as yo can in a canoe. I use a cylinder choke and use 12 gauge skeet loads…no need for high brass buck shoot when “edumacating” swans…they’re fragile enough and keel over deader than a day ole hornpout when hit with low brass 7 1/2’s.

hiss at them
When I kept my sailboat in a cove at the mouth of the Ct. river, they’d show off their young, and hang around looking for food. We didn’t know any better, and gave them some cheerios left over from the year before. Well, we ran out, the parents got ticked, and stuck their heads right up to ours (they pissed ME off and I was getting in THEIR face). When I hissed back at them they seemed surprised and backed off. At least that’s what I seem to remember happening…I still have my nose…