Do I want a Meridian?

Dagger Meridian
probably the best short kayak ever designed or made - If you don’t buy it, please let me know who has the thing for sale.

You should buy the mold and start building them!!! You’d probably sell a few. I’d do it if I knew what was involved.

"The Best"
In reference to the comment above about the Meridian being the best short boat ever designed…interesting comment in that I have heard it from at least one or two other people.

I don’t know that I would go that far, but it is a great boat.

I think the deck is a little higher than necessary (which will make it windcock) and find it gets pushed around a little too much. Also think the skeg design is pretty poor.

I also find it somewhat interesting that the hull is so flat bottomed. You don’t see that too often on a sea kayak. I would think this would make it easier to turn, but may sacrifice some rough water performance in big bean seas…also probably makes it broach more. I do recall it broaching pretty easily.


Many bests…
There are many short sea kayaks that are considered ‘the best’ by paddlers for whom they work extremely well.

The Meridian is certainly a good design, but for some the Avocet is the ‘best,’ for some the Romany is the ‘best,’ for some the Chatham 16 is the ‘best,’ etc…

the mold
who says it’s fer sale?

FYI - it ain’t…in fact it’s gone. broken apart in a dumpster somewhere in SC.


The best boat
Is the one with the best paddler in it.

You can always build more, eh?

that’s sad
not that it’s a perfect boat but it was there when a lot of folks developed skills.

I went on a club paddle with six people, one of whom misrepresented his skill level. He just got a kevlar Meridian on sale and was very excited to join in. Except he pretty much did everything wrong launching/landing through the surf.

I was on the beach the last to launch helping this fellow out, so he paddles out during a low set,sits there,I say “this is a good time”,so he paddles further out and STOPS,oh sh*t I’m thinking because he’s right where the next sets will come stomping in. And sure enough they do. THEN he paddles forward and 3’ of foam come flying at him, he dissapears and then a second later he flies out backwards surfing like a watermelon seed across the table top and doesn’t get dumped. All the time with his paddle frozen up in front of him. Pissed me off.

Not really
That’s just the best paddler showing up everyone else in whatever she happens to be in.

Thus the best boat… Paddler makes the boat, and to your comment if they are outperforming others, then clearly whatever boat they are in is also outperforming the others :slight_smile:

yep NM

Right On
Right on. Of course, when she paddles a boat that allows her to milk out just a little more from her skills, then that must be the better boat. Thus, the boat she was paddling wasn’t the best boat. :slight_smile: So, really there are no best boats.

Wow Guys
First time I think I’ve seen the best paddler become a woman in one of these exchanges. Thanks on behalf of the girly side…

There ya have it!