exploring headlamp options

Go with Petzl Tikka Plus
I have two, one more than five years. First hiking, then adapted to kayaking. Bulletproof. 3 triple a’s and run forever. Handy strobe. Had an issue once with the second one, and EMS replaced it with a brand new one free of charge.

Princeton Tec APEX
extremely bright when you need it to be, soft general illumination when you need that…

I 2nd the E-lite
for it’s versatility and compact size. You’ll need a second, more powerful light if you want to light up the bank a quarter mile away, but it’s fine for use on the boat for seeing and being seen.

And generally, a single white light is sufficient for letting other boaters you are there and not moving quickly. Anything flashing may cause others to come to see if you need assistance.


Another fan of the e-lite

– Last Updated: Oct-03-09 11:44 AM EST –

I've on my second one which I've had for about two years and I'm still on the original batteries. I don't use it a lot, but I always carry it in my pfd pocket and it's wet or submerged a lot.

Check it out and if you decide to try one put a float on the strap. Not doing this on my first one is the reason I'm now on my second one. I wear it on the brim of my cap and it is so light I forget it's there. Then I remove my cap and plunk! I've done this more than once. A chums eyeglass float works well.

The battery . . .
. . . last a very long time and goes down gradually . . . light just gets a little dimmer. The croaky thing is a good idea. I lost my little case so I bought another off eBay (whole thing) for less than $28 shipping included.

Petzl Tikka Plus
I have had mine 3 years and don’t leave home without it.

Petzl Tikka Tec
I like the Tikka Tec because it has a little flip-down red lens. Very handy for use on any boat where nighttime navigation is called for.

go to Walmart
if you want to send money out of your community

my vote…

Black Diamond Icon

get red light
I can’t recommend brands, but I would suggest getting a red headlamp or one that has a red option. White lights ruin your night vision while red lights do not. I’ve using a spare red bicycle tail-light clipped to the front my vest for night paddling along with a very bright Seattle Sports LED light on the back deck of my kayak. The SS light can be set on white, flashing white, and red/green combination. It’s a very nice light for the money (about $30).

Very true . . .
. . . the Petzl E-Lite has red option.