Extreme weather paddling

Concept cool, concrete details missing?
I along with others get the importance of challenging ourselves and testing limits as intrinsic to our natures and enjoyment. Many of us enjoy learning skills, integrating knowledge and equipment into the mix, it keeps things interesting to be sure.

Yet as several have pointed out, a novice knows not what they take themselves into, an intermediate knows and is properly cautious, and an expert knows and goes anyhow, with will written and insurance for those left behind.

So, just watch out if you go with a bunch of folks who say or are experts for the level of risk they find acceptable may be higher than you wish for!

On that day the entire bunch could have, if winds were as strong as you thought, swept out away from shore and completely helpless with a large wind and current shift. Expert kayakers know that above certain wind and wave energies the human engine is puny.


Flatpick, I’m impressed
that you can handle a camera in 40 knot winds. I have only paddled once in that strong a wind.

We were having a practice session when the wind came up. What was forecasted to be only gusts of 20 - 25 knots, became sustained winds of 30-35 (we actually measured them) with gusts of 40-45 knots.

All of the paddlers in the group were able to turn their boats into the wind and paddle about 2 NM upwind to get back to our launch point.

There was not very much difference between the GPs and the Euros, although those with less than 90 deg feathered Euros had more trouble holding onto their paddles.

Extended paddle strokes enabled everybody to be able to turn upwind.

It was a lot of work, but doable - but I can’t imagine taking a hand off of the paddle to take pictures. If you stopped paddling for one minute, you’d be blown so far back that it would take 10 minutes to make up the lost distance.

difference here is we PLAN on only going with the wind, as in DOWNwinder. this allows for some relaxation, or at least NOT having to bash into it.

yep, extended grip and leaning fwd and taking mini-bow sweeps will help. there’s some other tricks too.


Helmets indeed…
I’ve played in nasty conditions as well and mused on the need for a helmet. Any recommendations for one brand or design over another in wind and rain?

Facial Expressions
Did not look like expert swimmers to me ;).

arm-chair midwest paddling experts !!!
Well I don’t know about the arm-chair midwest paddling experts, but I’m a southeastern laying in bed expert at reading the internet. Keep posting those great pics, they’re chearing me up from a bad cold.



PS: Those Mid western guys think they are so hard core about their being able to sit up and all. But if their chairs didn’t have arms, they might be laying on their backs just like me. :slight_smile:

spendy but sweet.

I really like the ‘ball cap’ shape and secure fit.

$185 does seem kinda steeep but hey it’s ME HEAD!
