Fall lament: leaf blowers

Ear muffs to reduce the dB level?

Yup. Noise reduction ear muffs.

I had a gal.
Thought I’d’a know her,
but she fell in love,
with her leaf blower.

All day long she’s blow’n that lawn.
Prayed by now this season move on.

But come a winter,
wouldn’t you know,
she’s out all day,
just blow’n that snow!

Hopin’ now for spring I’ll’ve crossed love’s portage,
by busted extension cord and a gasoline shortage.


Internal combustion engines and loud noise. Yeah, it bothers me quite a bit. I wonder what the ‘loud car people’ and ‘loud motorcycle people’ are going to do when we go electric? Loudspeakers maybe?

My neighbor is addicted to mowers and blowers, especially on nice days when I enjoy being outside.

“Hyundai and Dodge have both unveiled EVs that blast fake exhaust noises outside the car.”

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For those impertinent yutes. They’ll learn the value of stealth. Right, Ms. Welch?


I saw a documentary on gorillas years ago. They showed footage of a gorilla who had found a metal gas can. The gorilla would hit the can and chase it around making a lot of noise. The other gorillas behaved as if he were alpha male after that. Make of that what you will.

Maybe I could get my Subaru to blast some V8 sound…

One neighbor can’t stand one leaf on his itty bitty lawn ( he only has a front lawn 50x50). He has two acres of woods. Oak trees none more than four feet apart, plus spindly beech.
Oak and beech tend to hang on to leaves all winter and periodically discharge a few. So every day he is out moving those miscreants

Fortunately though he is our closest neighbor he is 800 feet away… We just think he is weird. Maybe we are too as we take our little blower out to clear the deck of leaves but not every day. I just don’t like them in the kitchen as they will barge in every time we let the dog out. We aren’t trying to move our two acres of woodsy leaves. Have about 1000 trees.

Now as to logging; We abut 500 acres of loggable woods. That will be noisy when the cycle is ready ( in 10 years)

As I’ve said before, that “Y” chromosome can be a heavy cross to bear.


I was subjected to a “stink pot” that not only spewed combustion and the corresponding noise, but had a massive stereo system pumping out really sappy country music. I could not get far enough away to avoid all those things!

Yup. I’ll never forget paddling and ‘getting away from it all’ one day at the NC outer banks. An enormous, sunburned naked ape was sprawled out on the deck of his anchored speed boat. The “music” was deafening at 100 yards.

Which of these do you find more repulsive:

Enormous (I interpret your words to mean grossly obese), sunburned naked ape


Enormous, sunburned ape wearing (sort of) tiny Speedos?

In the interest of equal opportunity to offend, said ape could be either male or female, or anything else.

Pretty sure we don’t need to go there. However, all I really need to repulse me is the blaring music. That’s just rude and inconsiderate.

True. This person’s size, shape, color, body position, etc. surely wouldn’t have stuck in my memory at all if it weren’t for the really obnoxious assault on my ears.

(But yeah, tiny speedos is more repulsiver).

Yeah? Well what if…

Suddenly you spy two great apes,
prime mate pair of Danzi deck dance shapes,
uninspiring spinoffs in-spire de Victor Hugo.
one completely nude and one in barely Speedo,

Yes these two apes danced upon the deck.
As shipshapes go it was train wreck.
Esmerelda’s bellringer now times two,
one swingin’ wild, one confined to “ewww.”

And as the two apes danced in deformation deck,
and as your eyes adjusted and stomach bilge-pumped dreck,
there came auditory ache to ear and eeriest canals,
in that musical selection shared by such great pals.

For the tune turning two apes tormenting your detection,
was no darn win situation of some unnatural selection.
For was Gabriel interpreted by Tiny Tim so gosh bad funky,
with uke, accordian and zither belting Peter’s Shock the Monkey!

What! It was Weird Al do’n his Fright Wedding interp of Billy Idol???

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Another Fall lament.

My plan A site was too muddy. My plan B site was too windy. So when plan C failed I went straight to a nice reliable rural put-in while muttering bad words about “developed” put-ins.

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Agree with you about closed access roads to launches. At one of my favorite lakes this is to prevent vandalism of the caretaker’s office. It’s unfortunate because state and federal parks close October 12, but there’s at least 6 weeks of great paddling after that. I hope that someday campground and launch schedules will be more aligned with global warming. In the northeastern U.S. the best outdoor months are now April-June and September-November. The worst outdoor months are July and August. So the opposite of decades ago. (I admit though that spring is plagued by mosquitoes and black flies and October and November days are very short.)

My Plan A lake yesterday (December 1) was completely frozen over. Fortunately, Plan B was 50% frozen but all the ice was in the middle. :slight_smile: Nice trip, 50 degrees.

Live oak trees drop leaves all year. Sometimes they drop blooms that stain white things brown. Then they add acorns. The hickory trees try to keep up but their nuts are 100x the size of acorns. The pines try to compete and drop pine straw. We hear leaf blowers, mowers, chain saws, etc all year in the city. Along with dogs barking. Then Big Orange comes by from the boat ramp. It is an ocean racer with two or three big engines. Then there’s the freight train honking at all the road crossings and the fast Amtrak going past the fire station…opposite direction from that is the police station. Sirens, sirens…horn honking cause the sirens weren’t enough…

Leaf blowers are nothing.

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KAZART!!! Now we know where to set-up practice shop for The East Languishears Katabatic Bagpipe Orchestra kids! The faculty and students at nearby Galludet University have been complaining for years.