First aid kit suggestions?

think worse case
In reality who gives a %$#@ about tweezers and bandades…

you have to think worse cases!!!

PAIN and BLOOD LOSE…those are debilitating…

Call your doctor to get high pain killers…

and also get something to sew a severe cut up with…sutures!!!

You need to worry about life threatening things. Obviously if you break a femur you need to now how to split but you can use wood and duck tape.

A satillte phone might be good too.

The joke is to carry spirits in case of snakebite. And be sure to carry a snake in case you can’t find one…

:- )
You’re reminding me of the Mark Twain joke, and it would apply to medicinal rum…

Remember the one about how liquor is the best cure for toothaches? “Never had a toothache. Never intend to get one.”

How about a WFA?
Take a Wilderness First Aid class, and you’ll know exactly what will be appropriate to carry and, even better, how to use it all.

Hire an expert!
From experience, any first aid kit you buy will NOT be waterproof and will usually be whatever the seller found laying in the warehouse. Often exactly what you do NOT need!

So, i beleive that if you want a job done your way, do it yourself, but if you want it done right, hire an expert.

So I went to Shea, a nurse (1 semester from her doctorate), a former USAF combat nurse, doctors withoutborders and a paddler.

I figure that she knows what injuries we are going to suffer and has the experience to know how to deal with injuries in the field!

I gave her a hardcase and said, “fill it!” and she made a first-aid kit specific to kayaking in Arizona!

Every year she cleans it out and replaces old items.


As I keep that First Aid kit in the dry-hatch, I got a swimmers box (thekind that holds your drivers license and car key) and put into that some bandaids and moleskin figuring that would be my main problems ON the water. Blisters! Any real injury will be treated on shore.

in my opinion a lot of items in first
Aid kits are fluff. Lots of little band aids for cuts that would probably clot on their own in a minute or two. I like to limit mine to stuff you can die from - uncoated aspirin for heart attacks, quickclot, super glue, and a pressure bandage for bad bleeding, benadryl for allergic reactions, electrolyte powder, antidiarreheal. Moleskin because not being able to walk out of a bad situation can kill you, too. Beyond that I carry ibuprofen , large gauze pads, adhesive tape (can cut gauze pads and tape to size instead of buying multiple band aid sizes) and a roll of vet tape, a little bactin bottle., tube of petroleum jelly - a million firsaid uses and good for starting fires.

Asthma can be triggered by many things
Mine is triggered, due to a milk allergy, and if I eat something containing milk, it sets mine off. Perfume, colognes and any other strong smelling stuff can also set it off. Especially the dirty ashtray smell on smokers clothes.

Asthma attacks are not always triggered by pollen.

This is what I bought
After seeing a guy on TV who was bitten by a cotton mouth near my house and the docs said he would have died w/o it

I can imagine the hangover!

perhaps approach this from a different

– Last Updated: May-29-13 3:24 PM EST –


Perhaps one ought to be educated enough to recognize an asthmatic or an anaphlactic reaction if one is venturing backcountry for extended periods of time. I was also thinkink of an epipen. I don't think the notion of lidocaine is that unreasonable.

To me that approach makes more sense than "I'm a doctor and I've never seen that happen". Big deal, it only takes once.

cake icing
Never thought of hypoglycemia, thanks. I will have to amend my kit.

I’m thinking hard candy.