First kayak - Dagger Stratos 14.5 or 12.5?

So, with your interest in “paddling around”, are you thinking mostly by yourself or with a group? If by yourself and you going at your own pace, the ReVision is fine for that. Since recently getting it, I’ve gone out in the ReVision only once to check out a point. I paddled out the mile plus to the point and then to the other side and back. Sloppy waves and may be a 10 knot onshore wind. Felt the ReVision was fine (stable and easily controllable) and a bit faster than my waveskis. As comparision, during warmer months, to keep myself waveski ready (meaning maintaining relaxed balance and rolling) and to cool off, I’ll paddle down 2-3 miles down the beach a back. Not breaking any speed records but perfectly fine. The ReVision is faster than my waveski.

The ReVision is also probably safer for a solo paddle because if you capsize, you hang onto the boat, flip it over and climb back on. Self rescue with a SINK is a bit more complicated then with a SOT. If you are doing surfing with the ReVision, you are going to have thigh straps to give you more control with leans/edging. Those thigh straps are great to hang onto when you capsize and also to help climb back on. The thigh straps will also allow you to roll the boat when you have developed that skill. But, you may want to develop the skill in lessons with a white water and/or seakayak first.

Now, if you are paddling with a group that likes to go a bit faster and cover more distance, then may have to work harder to stay with the group with ReVision. If the group wants to go faster and you like paddling with said group, then you have to break down and get SINK like the Stratos. As you can see, I also like to surf with my SINKs. But these don’t perform like my waveskis and/or surfing specific SOTs (ReVision is in this category). The latter is designed to perform closer to surfboards. A SINK won’t be able to perform at that level on a waveface. So, if surfing is big part of your interest with paddling a kayak, a ReVision may fit the bill better.



PS. Once I get some surf, I’ll go out again with the ReVision. I’ll take video as this helps me see how I am interacting with the boat and how well I am riding the waves with it. I usually make adjustments in outfitting and/or technique based on my video review.

We got some 3’ plus medium period swell in the 10 second range from yesterday’s passing front! Hitting a reef break later with the ReVision. Will report back later. :sunglasses:

Beach break is too crowded, thus perfect to test at reef break:


Something to keep in mind, Pleasure Point has a bit of a reputation of being crowded and not welcoming of non-locals. A person on a butt surfer would stand out and be at more risk of trouble.

SINKs may not surf like a surf board, but they also do well on waves that are different than what the stand up surfers like, so we are in different areas. You could have whole areas to yourself that the boardies won’t want.

So, I got out today. Had fun learning and surfing the Cobra ReVision. It has its quirks and may challenge a beginner, specifically related to coping with a shallow nose rocker. It WILL PEARL if you take a straight run down into the trough. The flat nose then shovels in. At that point it takes edging, bracing and corrective strokes to get nose back out and regain control. In comparison, the full volume bow of the Stratos usually pops back out on its own if you lean back.

I have video and will start a separate review thread for the Cobra ReVision later.

