For the "GoreTex Dubious..."

Or neoprene shoes/boots.

Soā€¦ on the topic of GoreTex and guaranteesā€¦
I had a Kokatat Meridian drysuit. I purchased it in 2007 (apparently a 2006 manufacture), and have used it regularly ever since, primarily for winter sea kayaking. I took good care of it, needed to replace the latex neck & wrist seals one or twice, and it served me very well.

Last April (2023), I was going to instruct a basic strokes & basic rescues sea kayaking class. Since I expected to be in the water a lot, I decided to wear it even though the water wasnā€™t particularly cold. When I went into the water to burp it pre-class, my hip area soaked immediately. Since the zippers were fine, and there were no holes or leaks, I figured it had probably delaminated.

Last month, I finally sent it off to Kokatat for testing/repair/replacement. They tested it promptly, told me it was not repairable, but didnā€™t specifically tell me it had delaminated. They didnā€™t charge me anything, and provided me a 25% discount coupon for a new drysuit. I did not contact Gore directly and did not have Kokatat return the drysuit to me. If Iā€™d asked them to send it back, they would have charged for the testing and the shipment. Since it was unusable, that didnā€™t seem sensible to me.

Iā€™m of mixed mind about the experience. I got 16 good years with regular use out of that drysuit, so it does seem a bit churlish to complain. On the other hand, 25% discount is long way ($1000 +) short of covering an equivalent new drysuit; i.e., not exactly the advertised lifetime guarantee. Iā€™m just going to accept the outcome.

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Kokatat warranty does not cover wear. So you wore it from 2007 to 2023 16 years you replaced the gaskets few times. Iā€™m fairly sure it was just worn out. You can just wear through anything given time.

I had seam tape lift 2-3 inches that I noticed when I was installing new gaskets. I ask about a repair so they said send it in theyā€™ll inspect it. I mailed it in the next thing I heard was when they called and told me to pick colors for a new one. I got it from Edith for Xmas so I was sad to was going to go bye-bye. So they sent me back the hood and the pocket from the suit.

So the numbers I used with you credit your suit cost you less than 60 bucks a years . No other suit will ever be that cheap.

So the numbers I used with you credit your suit cost you less than 60 bucks a years . No other suit will ever be that cheap.

We agree on this. Like I said, I got 16 good years with regular use out of that drysuit, so it does seem unreasonable to complain. I donā€™t have copies of either the Gore guarantee nor the Kokatat guarantee from 16 years ago. I donā€™t know if their exact language has changed, and I donā€™t know if they differed from each other then. I contacted Kokatat, not Gore, so I donā€™t know if a response from Gore would have differed. To be clear though, the fabric was not worn through; this was a membrane failure. My story simply reflects what the guarantee (from Kokatat) meant in practice in my specific case.

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Like car warranties they say warranty is rust through so I guess it means till thereā€™s a hole.

Fabrics doesnā€™t have to wear through to fail.

Kokatat warranty is on their website. I believe it now says to original purchaser.

I was surprised that my feet didnā€™t get wet in my Scubapro neoprene booties.
I took a step into the water with the other foot already inside.