for do you set up your boat?

Just one opinion - get over it.
No one says you have to agree, or like it or whatever.

Maybe you’d prefer this long winded and slightly more PC translation?:

“To me it seems like it might have some value. However, I am concerned that for some paddlers that value might bring with it a potential for additional complications. Such a device could possibly encourage some paddlers to go into situations they would have avoided if they didn’t have this to rely on. I realize this is not the designers intent - but human nature being what it is people tend to want things fast and easy. I’m afraid this device meets that desire for instant gratification much better than it meets actual on water safety concerns. I like the idea of people carrying safety gear, but added gear can add complications and limitations and give a false sense of security. In actual capsize inducing conditions a one use item like this leaves the paddler back in the same situation a few moments later - and the confidence the device provided before has been removed. If their fear increases because of this the situation is likely to rapidly deteriorate. It all falls back to skill at some point. My real concern is this will be used as a substitute for developing appropriate skills by some paddlers (again, human nature), and those paddlers are the ones I fear would be most attracted to this in the first place.”

Still not a hearty endorsement - but maybe now you see my concern here is for others’ safety - and not some personal/emotional issue of mine?

Maybe a shorter version in the form of a question: “OK, your back up - then what?”

I really don’t care what you think of my opinion or what tone you add to my posts. As I said: Just one opinion. One that will probably spread thanks to you keeping this going :wink:

Perhaps you could simply add your own opinions about these devices - instead of whining about what other people write? Just a thought.

water filter
Obviously for my freshwater paddles only, I have lately been keeping a small water filter (Pur) in my day hatch. While I always have enough water for myself, I have been on group paddles where others underestimate their water needs. Plus, if weather ever stranded me for an overnighter, I don’t have to worry. While tablets would be more compact, I like the instant tasteless aspect of a filter.

water filter

– Last Updated: Aug-25-05 10:37 AM EST –

always thought this would be a good idea. Any thoughts as to the quality and efficiency of these filters? How good are they really? quickly do they process say a liter of water?


Whose whining?

– Last Updated: Aug-24-05 5:42 PM EST –

I asked if you had a bad day and then when you said your post should be read as happy and inquisitive, I simply quoted a passage.

You have way more time than I to ruminate and type...