Get rid of your glasses NOW!

Wrong again. If you work in construction with people you can hear them complain about glasses and sweat. In say the masonry business people sweat. Then they bend over sweats on the glasses like a fish tank.

I need medical credentials to post a link to something approved?

Driving usually doesnā€™t involve sweating. Driving a vehicle doesnā€™t involve water and waves in your face. Your glasses stay nice and dry. So anyway you can ditch glasses would be a major plus if you choose to with something safe.

But this place is mostly talking to paddlers, where I and many DO wear readers including on hot days. I try to get sunglasses with readers built in.

As to the FDA, I happen to be a major consumer of medical services so have had lots of drugs thrown at me over the years for use post some procedure. One time back from the hospital I left with three scripts for stuff to use for a while. I read up on all of them and decided to try to skip using one of the three.

Six weeks later the FDA banned that drug and took it off the market.

I am not a skeptic when it comes to this stuff, I have easily gobbled up every kind of vax shot I can get over the years for ex. But similarly to the current fiasco over the Alzheimerā€™s drug that was approved with questionable review of the studies, the FDA can also screw up. Taking meds safely requires a certain degree of healthy skepticism.

Everyone has a choice as to their medical path and drugs they use.

With the average age on this site Iā€™m sure many are on some FDA approved drugs.

Iā€™m not a doctor or related to any medical profession. Saw the stuff in the news and posted it.

If I wear my sun glasses and paddle hard glasses dream up get sweat dripping on them. Pulling readers out in many conditions in a kayak is not an ideal situation.

Medical doctors are not gods either thatā€™s why there is malpractice lawsuits in many billions over the years.

Ug, sorry for reviving this dumpster fire of a thread but i didnt notice this in my first glance and its my patriotic duty to say the following - The NY Post is a tabloid that should be viewed with as much credence as the National Enquirer. As in, there may be a small nugget of truth in their reporting, but its more than likely surrounded by a buuuunch of misdirection, cherry picked facts, outright lies, or just plain BS they think will attract eyeballs.

Dont take my word - ā€œAccording to a survey conducted by Pace University n 2004, the Post was rated the least-credible major news outlet in New York. It was the only news outlet to receive more responses calling it ā€œnot credibleā€ than credible (44% not credible to 39% credible).ā€ Its a rupert murdoch property that prints the crap too untruthful for even fox news (which is already a very low bar).

So again, The NY Post is truly fake news or at least news streched so far that you should just seek out better, less biased, less sensational, less manipulative news sources, ideally that arent a Darth Murdoch property.
I would not take medical advice (or any advice) from a publication like this if you value wisdom whatsoever

Story is in many places. Whatā€™s false in the story? Are you still bewildered? Post knew enough to know a laptop was real.

Feel better now? :joy:

Let me know if you need more links to feel better.

Fortunately I am moderately near sighted with almost perfect near vision, so this drug is not for me. However, Iā€™ve never been a big fan of putting something in my eye; drugs, contacts, or whatever.

My main concern is possible side effects with long term use. The Allergan studies that FDA approval was based on consisted of only two groups of 750 people over 30 days. Allegan is touting daily use with no time limit. The study seems too small and time limited to me.

In addition to side effects such as decreased night vision and many others that people have mentioned, there is also a slight decrease in far vision acuity and the possibility of retinal detachment, among others.