Have an Eddyline Skeg Problem?

How do you remove the skeg cable? My older Night Hawk does not have what I would call a skeg box. See picture. Other boats I have had did have a removable box with the slider. Not obvious to me how to release the cable.

Let us know how it comes out, Paula.

If it is like our Eddyline Denali, which it looks like, you unscrew the screw centered in the knob that adjusts the skeg position. You can see it in the picture you provided. That screw jams against the cable, holding it in place.

Once the screw is loosened, the cable will slide freely out of the tube.

Thanks. My Valley had a screwed-in slider box. This is a lot simpler. Here is what I found out.
After leaving the boat idle for a few months, I found the skeg extremely hard to deploy. The problem was something I never would have guessed. After removing the cable and flushing the guide tube with water, I found that the cable was almost impossible to reinsert. The problem was that the guide tube had changed its alignment with the point where it is attached to the skeg box. A very slight change in position but the increased angle caused a LOT of drag on the cable. I loosened the strap clamp that holds the guide tube in place and pushed the slack in the tubing back tward the skeg box then retightened the clamp. See picture.

What you need is the straightes path possible for the cable.
After making the described modification, the cable works great. Hope this is helpful to someone.