I’ll have to update my spiel. I’ll give Becky credit for coining the term and you for passing it on.
You have to trust her
I’m betting that a desire to not swim is the reason you are not getting to and past the rail.
That little red boat was quite happy to hang out at the rail and even sip a little lake water if I asked her to. Of course I had the benefit of watching Marc do that a few times before I ever tried. And the first few times I tried it was warm and I was in 2’ of water over a nice sandy bottom wearing my bathing suit.
Not like my osprey, that one gets pretty twitchy if you try to push her up into the tumblehome.
Good canoes have lots of secondary stability and resist heeling that far over.
Good paddlers naturally have trained themselves to avoid putting the rail in the water.
You have to willfully overcome both.