Helmet for sea kayaking.

Older Model Protec Probs
The ones made in the last 4 or 5 years are much better.

Here you go…

Another vote for Protech
They’re fairly lightweight and pretty inexpensive. It does the job and having gotten crunched pretty good in the surf without one, it’s now with me on every trip when I’ll be surfing.


I like my Cascade
but I’m suprised to see kayakers wearing them.

Don’t you guy’s have an image to keep up or something?


Tried on the SR super scrappy today
The HOG is great!

The large was a little small.

Pressed on my temples some.

Fit better backwards, which is an option.

I think I would have to wear just a thin,

spandex scull cap under it.

No way I could wear my 3mm neo hood under it.

The super scrappy seemed like a different fit

than the AHM 500.

Paul S.

Shaping the padding.
This might sound a little nuts, but has anyone taken a shark skin to the foam padding in their helmet, to shape it out a little bit?

I like the SR super scrappy, but need just a little more room front to back. I found a good sale on it, too.

Paul S.

Ear coverage – sand!
Apart from the impact protection of ear coverage, it also helps keep sand out of your ears.

Don’t laugh. I once got smacked by a big breaker near shore and maytagged along with a good deal of sand. Next day I noticed a funny click/buzz in one ear that varied with movement. I wound up in the ear-nose-throat doctor’s office, with him pulling wielding tweezers to remove sand embedded in my eardrum, one very painful grain at a time. Ouch, ouch, ouch – very vivid memory that I’d not like to repeat. I went out and got a helmet that covered my ears.


Older Model Protec NOT!
Thhe older Protec was the most common whitewater helmet used for some years.

It’s the helmet the WRSI founders son was wearing when he was killed.

I used one until I managed to get a nice rock hit near my temple with it on. Then I went to the Cascade.

The newer Protecs are a different design. I have no experience with them but they are not what I’m talking about.

I would not trust my skull to the older Protec.


Could wear a scull cap
to prevent sand packing/abrasion. I’d want to do that anyway in the ocean.

Paul S.

Gath helmet may not be suitable
See the last sentence in the product description at this site:


Here is the email reply to my question, “Why isn’t it suitable?” I don’t know if it’s suitable or not. Just sharing information.

Paul S.

The front of the helmet (the area that covers the temples) is not covered with the plastic shell, but only by a foam strip. In surfing we take fat less head abuse so this protection is not really needed, but in kayaking it is.


On 25-Mar-07, at 12:49 AM, Paul Stivers wrote:

In your product description for the Gath convertible helmet, you say “This

product is not suitable for kayaking.”

Why isn’t it suitable?

Thanks for the information.

Paul Stivers

Would you mind deleting the long url, or breaking it up with some line breaks, in you reply above?

It’s causing readers to have to scroll left and right to read the thread.

The info’s good, and it would be nice if this site would wrap the text, but it doesn’t.

Thanks in advance,


(I tried to PM you but it bounced.)

What do you wear under your helmet?
In the winter and/or colder (50 F) water,

do you put a neoprene hood under your helmet?

Reason I’m asking is you would have to switch around

the padding to do that. Would be simpler to always

wear a stretchy nylon (or whatever material those

are) scull cap, if that plus your helmet would keep

you warm enough.

Paul S.


I think I would probably buy a helmet that would fit over a 3m hood.

Even when it gets hot here in the valley the temp on the ocean is still cold enough that I think you would want the hood 95% of the time.


Ditto That.
When I am not wearing a hood (really summer time), then I have baseball cap and the straps tightened a little bit more.

Personally, I hate the brim type helmet. Stylish but not that great 'cause it catches water forces and torgues the head around in a maytag in surf. (I have two of these and don’t wear 'em.)


Wrong Gath Helmet
The Gath Gedi is the helmet designed for kayaking. It is first rate. I have one and wouldn’t use any other. It is the only helmet that stays put on my head and does not move backward when struck or against current/surf. This includes the H.O.G. system which I have seen fail in surf with the helmet coming completely off.

Sure enough.
On the same site, the product description for the Jedi centers on kayaking. Would you ever use the visor while paddling? I’m guessing not.

Paul S.

Decision - Protech full cut.
I tried on a fiend’s older model. Fit great. Room for a hood underneath, I’m pretty sure. I ordered one from NRS. Easy to return if I don’t like the new model.

The super scrappy just doesn’t fit me.

I think the Protech is a good basic helmet.

I’d like to try on a Gath Jedi. For the money though, I’d have to try it and love it. Maybe I would. I’m not all that invested in the Protech if the day comes.

Once I definitely settle on the helmet, I’ll order a velcro on visor, too.

Thanks for all the thoughts. It was definitely helpful.


Shred Ready Shredder - comments?
The Protec FC didn’t fit me. Dang!

Any comments on the Shredder?

Is it larger than the Super Scrappy in the front to back direction?

How about front to back dimension compared to the AHM 500?

The AHM is larger than the Super Scrappy, for example.

Comments on the H.O.T. lock or three point retention system, advertised for this helmet?


Paul S.

neither surf nor rescue …

i don’t recommend a helmet for surf sessions or rescue training. why not? are you going to carry a helmet on/in your boat when sea kayaking? if so, are you actually going to put it on if you enter the surf or have to rescue someone? i’m reasonably sure that the answer to both questions is no. if i’m wrong, you are among the very few i’ve come across who would. to be honest, i’ve not maintained my certifications in several years and back when i was a lot more involved in the BCU and ACA systems, helmet use was neither recommended nor taught. in fact, i never saw a helmet on anyone or in any boat paddled by anyone of ACA or BCU merit. perhaps times have changed and if so, i’m not aware of this ‘new’ (to me) concern.

i have NEVER hit my head in the surf, during a rescue or for that matter, EVER while sea kayaking. neither have i ever lost my paddle in the surf, while rescuing or otherwise (i don’t use or recommend paddle leashes either).

I like the brim… personal preference
It gives me a little shade and it gives me a little added protection for my face. I’ve known a couple people who’ve broken their noses on the river (either from hitting their boat or hitting a rock) and they got brimmed helmets immediately after. I assume the Gath helmet’s visor would serve a similar purpose. I’m sure the brims do catch a bit more water but I really haven’t noticed it too much in even the strongest beatdowns.