Help with my new book project - "Fear of Rolling"

That’s the only reason ,I think, that people watch NASCAR.

I can tell you this, I’d much rather roll up than hang out upside down in a boulder strewn riverbed. Rolling is one way to solve this problem. Another way is to just not go on a boulder strewn riverbed. Or you can develop your skills and judgement to the point where you are not likely to tip over. I say not likely because something unexpected could always still happen.

Having a reliable roll makes boating more enjoyable and expands the number of places you can safely paddle. It doesn’t replace the capacity to self rescue by swimming but it does make swimming more infrequent.

My own roll isn’t very good. That limits me . I still enjoy boating but not in the same way that I have in the past when I had a good roll. My own book project would be entitled “fear of not rolling”. It is a more limited book than I previously enjoyed. Volume II is rarely better than volume I but at least I’m still around to enjoy it a bit and write a few more chapters. Some days it would be nice to escape the kiddy pool. Just got to be ready.

Crashing, river carnage? Sometimes you watch the show and sometimes you are the show.

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“Fear of Not Rolling”. Some years back a local guy was in a ‘roll or die’ situation and he died. I understand he attempted and failed to roll a few times then his pfd got tangled up in a submerged root ball. He was kayaking a river with a group.

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In reviewing some previous posts, I want to apologize for referring to some posters as elite snobs.

I have no idea if they are truly elite.