I’ve got the initial g flex coat over the cracks and foam applied at 11:30 today. Any chance I can sand it before 5 and do the patch? It is 86 and sunny.
It is supposed to rain starting at 11am tomorrow and then a little more all week and I have to do this project outside. If i throw a tarp after I do the patch is that cool, or is it very susceptible to any rain?
update, read the manual and cure time is cut is half every 18 degrees over 72. Its almost 90 now so I think this will be workable at 3:30pm I’ll give it extra time though. I don’t think I have time to do this all today.
You can apply a patch over G Flex as soon as it is cured to a “green” state where it will not run or sag. But sometimes it needs to cure a bit more to be able to sand it. If you sand when the surface still feels “plasticy” the sandpaper may clog up very quickly. Put there is no harm in taking a piece of sandpaper to it and trying.
If you apply more epoxy to an epoxied surface where the epoxy has cured more fully you should wash the surface first to remove any possible “amine blush” that might interfere with the cure of newly applied epoxy. If the previously applied epoxy is still green, which is usually the case if you have applied it within the last 24 hours, you don’t need to do this.
Thanks all, but especially pblanc!
repair to the stern portion of the hull is complete. I followed the instructions here mostly. G/flex with silica filled in the crack. The sanded everything smooth with 80 grit. Then wet the bottom with G flex, then place a big fiberglass patch over the entire area. Then placed a smaller one in the center of that. Only was able to off set the weave a little. I wish I had had a circular cutter for the fiberglass, as that would have allowed it.
I used only 7oz of g flex probably. 1/4 of each bottle is left. I had so much left I decided to cut a fiberglass patch for the bow but it ended up gelling quick (it was hot) and I couldn’t wet the entire patch out, however of it should stick and it should prevent some abrasion.
Next is to patch the inside crack and fix the bow with the remainder but the boat is ready for water at least.