How to throw away a canoe

What kind of saw?
A saw is the only suggestion that makes sense. I said in the OP that I’m not interested in selling. Or the hassle of selling.

I don’t believe the sidewalk trick would work. There are no sidewalks here, and it would probably violate one of the gazillion laws in the Peoples Republic of Nutmeg. Besides, I tried to sell one of these canoes for nothing 10 years ago at a weekend canoe store auction/sale, and no one paid attention to it even among that presumably motivated crowd.

I don’t have many tools. I have a pruning saw and a chain saw. I’m reluctant to use the chainsaw on a Kevlar canoe since my “chainsaw proof” pants and gloves are made of … Kevlar. The fibers supposedly will bind up the chain and stop the saw.

If I have to buy an expensive electric saw just to cut up a canoe, what a bummer.

I wonder if I can burn them up.

don’t burn them!
Find a friend who has a sawzall, or rent one. An electric jigsaw will also work. Course blades. Will reduce to very managable pile.

Just out of curiousity
what models/makes are these canoes?

just to be clear
You are throwing away a kevlar boat that still floats. Somewhere a kid in India needs a boat.

Ryan L.

What Kanoo said.
Reciprocating demolition saws Like a Sawzall are cheap to rent for half days. Buy a pack of 3 short blades for wood/general demo. Once you get past the initial trauma, it’s actually kinda fun. Wear boots, thick gloves, and eye protection.

I have a similar boat

– Last Updated: Aug-21-11 11:19 AM EST –

If it were pinned it would snap. I can't sell it..I would suffer from buyer backlash.

I don't know if a boat in question is Kevlar but Kevlar does have a point that its worthless to fix.

Sawzall = $100

– Last Updated: Aug-21-11 11:52 AM EST –


Sinking them. Wonder if that's legal.

Maybe the Kevlar boat would sink if I poleaxed it in enough places.

How the heck can you sink a Royalex canoe anyway? Transport rocks somehow into the middle of Moosehead Lake?

Never thought about end of life when I bought all those rotten wood gunwales, crappy cane seats, and other flimsy wood trim. Custom made boats, too. Now, more money just to bury them. My own fault for not taking care of the wood and not having inside storage space.

Leave your trash in Connecticut
Kevlar has sharp edges when cut.

Would you throw broken glass into the Housatonic? Same idea.

Axe it or break it up get contractor bags and find a dumpster. Someone you know must be working on a house.

However a Sawzall is a nice thing to have. For ninety nine dollars it does some things well like sawing drywall. There are more uses than destroying things.

Off to Valhalla…

OK, I really am kidding - you don’t want to put all that noxious stuff into the atmosphere…


– Last Updated: Aug-21-11 12:31 PM EST –

Yo! Youz god'da something youz wan'na get rid'da? No problem, ah' knows a couple of goombas here in Joisey dat specialize in gettin' "rid'da" things. Dat kevlar carcass would fit dis here soon-ta-be-departed Carmine "Da Nose" ta a tee an' blend right in wit da "occupied" oil drums in da "Wise Guy Condos" at da bottom o' Newark Bay.
Wat youz say they make youz an offer dat youz can't refuse? Baseball bats can bust up a canoe real good... along wit other things!

Bada Bing!

How about…?
Using the bows and sterns (bet you could cut any of the materials with hack saw blades - and a world of patience - if you didn’t want to rent a sawzall) upturned and planted vertically in the back yard, simulating little Gothic arches. I know you’re a handy guy - all you’d have to do then is carve some small statues of some of the “patron saints” of paddling - maybe Sig Olson, Verlen Kruger, Bill Mason, or whoever leaps to mind for you. Paint ‘em up and stand them under the arches. Maybe connect them with little stone-lined walkways through wildflower plantings. Or maybe a Zen garden… But however it goes its gotta’ be better for a paddler than generic lawn gnomes or pink flamingos, right?

Tow it out to the middle of the lake and
start a small charcoal fire in it.

Good for target practice
If the canoe is cut i half it stands up great. did add a board to help it out. wide area to tape a target. yes sadly after putting 400+(from 45long colt/auto, 40, and nine mill) holes in it a guy did pay 20$ for it. if yiou do use one for target practice put in in the front yard and add a sign saying.“i did hear banjo music”. did that with a few old life jackets to.

Pruning saw
Should do the trick.

Not ideal, as the teeth are too coarse, but it will work.

don’t throw away that canoe!

I’ve sat on a few nice couches…
made from canoes. Cut out one side, put in a few drainage holes, make cradle ‘legs’, paint/resurface the exterior,drop in a seat platform and add seat and back cushions. Makes cool deck furniture. Novacraft has a much nicer version in their show booth, but this version is easier to DIY and can sit outside. If I was near you I’d take them…

Just drive it to the dump
Find out where contractors take their demo debris in your town. Drive your canoe there, and you’ll pay by the pound to legally dispose of it. Our municipality charges ~$100/ton, so for a 40 pound canoe it will cost you approximately $2.

Life on water…
Death by fire…

They also make good compost bins
We used to empty the honeypot contents (mixed with cedar chips) in old canoe to complete the composting process.

Composting generates a lot of heat though so a plastic canoe might melt. The play pool we originally used did.