If you can't have an Outback, then what?

by far
the most popular car in our town.

No SUVs because…
In a two year period, I was in two severe whiplash accidents. I can paddle all day as long as I’m careful, but trying to hike a 16 foot canoe over my head causes my neck muscles to tense up like banjo strings and leaves me with a 2 day long migraine.

That and I just don’t like SUVs.


Scion Xb
$14K new out of the box. 48 inch Yakima bars, three kayays with a Stacker plus all necessary gear for the trip. Comfortable seating for four adults; not horrible for the fifth. 30 plus mpg. Not much ground clearance.

I picked up an 01 Forester and like it much better than the wifes 03 Outback that cost twice as much.

Just curious, why do you like Forester better?

that’s sad
a friend had a major head-on crash in his Jetta against a pick up,they were hospitalized but the guy in the truck wasn’t wearing his seat belt and went through the window and was flown out.

Will the TDI be temporarily suspended in the US until they meet new pollution standards?


– Last Updated: Jun-21-06 7:46 AM EST –

Much more room. Foot room when driving, (my foot gets hung up in her Outback) the distance from the windshield, head room, and it is easier getting in and out then her Outback. The Outback is very nice, don't get me wrong, the Forester is a little more "truckish". I really noticed the difference getting in and out when I had knee surgery.

I thought about one of these…
but I wanted to be able to pull a pop-up camper also and the Xb can barely pull itself! :slight_smile:


Aside from an occasional bout of the “I wants”, I really haven’t found a compelling reason to dispose of my '98 Forester L. Size and hauling capability is perfect for my needs. It’s not so tall to require a ladder and hoist to single-handedly get boats on the roof. Power and gas mileage is decent. It’s been reliable, and when repairs have been required, it really hasn’t been much if any more expensive to repair than any of the Hondas I’ve owned in the past. Best of all, it’s been paid off for several years.

Not true in my experience
I’m on my fourth Volvo and have never had a problem finding a Jiffy Lube, Mr. Lube etc that couldn’t do an oil change.

The TDI meets federal standards already, as does Daimler Chrysler’s CDI diesel. It’s state regs that are the issue. You can’t buy a diesel car in Calif or Mass (And probably several other states) of any kind at the moment. I’m told Honda is working on the world’s most advanced passenger car diesel engine, but they are having trouble meeting federal standards at the moment.

The real culprit is not the engine, it’s the fuel. American diesel fuel is pretty poor quality stuff, and full of contaminants that other countries refine out (Until next year). But since our gubmint doesn’t think rationally, they go after more technology rather than the simple solution. Must be that a bunch of members of congress hold oil company stocks, and don’t want to increase their overhead…

I try to burn the best fuel I can find or biodiesel (5% canola helps with emissions, too) when I can.

The good news is that my TDI is repairable! Minus the driver’s seat (They want to only fix what’s broken, because seats cost $1K each, or some such nonsense), the estimate came to $7,700 to fix it. I’m dropping her off at the body shop just as soon as the police release the accident information (3 day waiting period – have you ever heard of such a ridiculous thing?), so I can make a claim against the other driver’s insurance.

I’ll be glad when it’s all done.


Mazda Protoge5?
Any of you have one of these? Carry a canoe or other long boat on it?

A previous poster mentioned the Mazda 6 Sport Wagon, but there aren’t any on the used market yet. There are plenty of the Protoge5, it’s predecessor, however.



…that’s about when we’ll think about putting our Mazda6S Sportwagon out there… ;->

Sally really liked the looks of the Mazda3 5-Door (what the Protege5 has evolved into), but it’s interior volume was too little for us.

Actually, Phreon, many cars, not just wagons, will fit your bill as you can tote an even long boat with a somewhat short roofline if you have a sold rack and attach & tie down your boat(s) appropriately. I agree with your appreciation of the wagon form, which is why we got ours, but of you don’t object to a sedan (which we specifically did), then your horizons have dramatically widened.

Now I’m sure you can find a good hauler to take you and your boats to where you can


-Frank in Miami

Looking at Volvo XC70
Looks like it could be outfitted to carry a couple of boats on the roof fairly easily, but wondering if anyone has pulled a trailer with this model?

Im a small pick up fan with topper
but always thought the volvo wagons were the ultimate kayak carriers.

Might call Clark Griswald and see if he is interested in selling the family truckster.

VW Diesel wagon … 50 miles to the gallon



Toyota RAV 4
I LOVE my Rav…it can handle 2 Necky 17 footers on the rack, and all the gear I can load in the back. I get great milage, and I have 4 wheel drive. It has great review, great reliabilty, and Toyotas hold their value for years. Good luck

Greasecar that TDI!
That’s a great engine to convert to WVO (waste vegetable oil). I get about 60 mpg in my 7000lb. diesel truck. That’s because the only time it runs on diesel is during warm up. Once hot I switch to veggie! I’m burning what my local restaurants give me for free! And emissions are very favorable.

It would be tempting if I had more free time to devote to it. But for now, with all my other competing interests, buying biodiesel doesn’t bother me, even though it costs a little more than petro.

Problem in CT is finding it. I have a lead on a possible supplier about 40 miles from home, but I’m told the fuel may be about $3.75 a gallon. I’ll have to contact them and see. Mixing B20 myself would be cost effective at that price. I’d love to run B100 in the summer if I could.
