Is it possible to sit still in current?

that photo
that was hillarious photo in regard to the question.

I don’t white water except the rental deal with a guide.

I’m an easy river Florida kayaker.

I have no idea what y’all are talking about BUT that photo was funny.

ps: I’m glad the one person called the other person on being rude. Although, sometimes I wonder if you tell the truth and it’s not completmentary, is that still rude?

Like I said, I have no idea what y’all are talking about. So I can’t judge the comment about physics of the water as rude or not.

The great thing about P-net is…

– Last Updated: Jun-30-07 9:14 PM EST –

... that it need not be anonymous. I haven't thought of myself as anonymous here in a really long time. I've paddled with roughly 40 of the regular posters here, and have sat arojnd the campfire talking with some of them on several occasions. I've met at least a half a dozen in addition whom I haven't paddled with yet. In short, there are a bunch of folks here who know who I am, and I like it that way.

As for me being "amazed", well, I said it because it's true. As for that being some sort of put-down, that can only be in the eye of the beholder. Different people have different strengths and weaknesses, and in nearly all cases where I have gotten to know someone who doesn't clearly see the basic mechanics of how everyday things work, it turns out that they are gifted with other abilities in topics where my skills are weak. I don't believe my weakness in certain areas makes me stupid, and therefore I don't believe that people who don't properly understand subjects that are easy for me are stupid either. Debates about how things work, or what is and what isn't, are fine, and sometimes great fun, but for anyone to get worked up over these things so that they start "seeing" derogetory statements seems like a waste of energy to me. It's not that I care what someone else wants to place a value upon, it's just that I don't intentionally make such statements here. In the mean time, I'll continue to say exactly what I mean, to the extent that I can in a post that takes a few minutes to write, and if the person I'm actually addressing wants me to clarify whether I was insulting them or not, go ahead and ask. The odds are good that nothing in my statement was meant to sound mean.

Oh by the way, if the person asking the question uses their P-net profile for no purpose other than to state that they are smarter than anyone else here, also carrying an implication that they are here only to do battle, I probably won't respond.

Not just a calm spot outside current?
We’re not talking about dead spots that show up in areas of complex/converging current, are we? There’s a nearby river I’ve been on a couple times that is pretty tame (at lower levels) as far as waves/current is concerned, but is chock full of weird cross currents and boils that appear seemingly calm but will stop your boat dead or turn you in strange directions. Some of them are right next to strong channels.


My view
Yes is passable. The action is like in a ferrying across or wanting to stay still. Putting the nose or stern into the current and pick your point to watch on shore and pay attention to the amount of angle to the current you place based on how fast the current is. The faster the current the less of angle to the current. You can also watch the angle and lessen the stroke power to stay put. This is called boat control and canoeist who accomplish this are the better ones in my book. Learn to paddle on one side only (you best power side or your brace side) and watch the angles and you can become a pro at this.

An example of use is say you have a drop to look over to find a route down stream. Paddle up to the drop and take a look while putting the canoe into the current and go back upstream and turn and follow your selected route ( the referenced term her is peel-off). To learn this start with small stuff then get better at it then move up in speed until your ready for the class 5 runs.

Maybe you just solved the mystery
of the Edmund Fitzgerald!

It is indeed possible, and mandatory

They strap you in real good.

invisible to the current
Just like a ferry doesn’t blow you downstream in fast current. If you get in perfect alignment with the current and hold it with a paddle stroke here and there you sure can sit invisible to the current. Once on the Kenduskeag I was not where I wanted to be and faced with a steep ledge, adrenalin took over. I got the boat aligned with the current sitting stationary just above the drop and eased into a ferry to river right.

Do it a lot as I retrieve fishing gear others have lost. When you get lined up with the current you have a few seconds to get the ‘lost lures’ hanging from the branches over fast water. A quick correction is sometimes needed if your not fast enough or you may need to ferry and backpaddle to get in position again.

Part of the ‘magic’ of canoeing.

I hit one by accident
I was just easing down through some standing waves just to see how slow I could go and control the boat. All of a sudden, facing down stream my boat was stuck on a wave. I was surfing, but facing forward. It was very strange feeling. Different than surfing facing up stream. All it took to get off the wave was a little extra paddle pressure.

I think it’s also a true testament to…
the Times we now live in. To be PC or to Make Up informative, factual truth…overrides truthful, informative physical laws on this planet.

Hydrodynamics acting on various shapes of solid hulls is NEW to a flatwater paddler’s mental capacity, Thus…it is Strange.
