Kayak for surfing.

Nice. Rather like a classic Telemark skier gliding through fresh powder vs a slash and smash mogul bomber.

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Like the analogy. Seems like she is a waveski competitor. Curious how judges rank her style among the HP performers. I suspect lower with the predominant emphasis of competitors looking to rip “rooster tail” creating cutbacks and big aerials.

Regardless, I like the aura of “calmness” or “wuwei” she manifests on the wave.


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Her surfing is certainly very graceful on the wave. No wasted energy on her part.

Beautiful and natural. She looks like she is friends with the waves instead of “conqueror.”

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ahh reminds me of the movie Revenge of the Telemarkers or perhaps I can here Yoda saying “Smooth and Graceful she is”. She has truly captured the force. In contrast to deathstar telemarketers! Long live the true telemarkers and waveskiers!