Kayak PFD Knife Suggestions

Gerber , MRS and Mac
Rust like hell.

I keep sharpening and cleaning them but they are not fit for salt water.

Some one keeps saying “rinse it every time you go on the water.” These are not cheap and should survive the environment they are made for.

That said when you need a knife in a kayak you need it right now and it has to work.

These rusty things work well if they are sharp.

Looking for fri.sales
Interested in spyderco tasman salt serrated - i like the boye also but price still counts. I have the gerber river shorty for now so I am not without. I will find out about a sheath for the spyderco also for it as mentioned above and I have received some additional info. Now where are those black friday online sales???

kukri 'completely useless for most tasks
It may appear useless but for your number one need in a survival situation e.g. shelter, the kuk is a prime tool…the added perqs are it can double as a shovel, it much better in a knife fight, can act as a hatchet for splitting. Look at Cold Steel for modern variants, some cheap and the san mai only for the wealthy. Now keeping one on a PFD, that’s interesting.

Just an update . . .
. . . and to let folks now that some advice is taken . . .

Got a Wenoka titanium squeeze with tanto point. Very nice! About $47 to my door. Fits very securely on one of the lash point of my Lotus Designs PFD

PFD / Knife Attachment
For those folks who attach their knives directly to their PFDs … Does anyone use an attach point other than the lash tab? The lash tab on my PFD broke and I am trying to see if there is another convenient way to attach my Gerber River Shorty.

Any suggestions? Thanks.

check out some handmade knives
like Chris Reeves (www.chrisreeve.com) Top notch knives and the cpm s30v steel he uses is awesome.

Got . . .
. . . bunches of hand made knives. Needed something that was rustproof and secure. With any luck it will never be used.

Boyes on a bit of a sale
10%off, I still like the Boye Cobalt folding knife as well as the spyderco tasman salt but the Boye, you can add a marlinspike which may be useful. Wish the sale was better!

Thanks for the sharpening tip. I’ll
give it a try and get back to you on how I made out.