similar problem with web publishing
Well, I have similar problems when publishing photo reports on my webpage. I am thinking especially about Poudre River. It looks calm and pieceful on my picture when it can be quite dangerous for an unprepared paddler.
Discuss boat along with skills
In your article, I assume you intend to write at least briefly about the skills and auxilliary equipment needed for this paddle. If not, then what’s the point worrying only about the right boat? A kayaker with rec-level skills on your paddle would only be marginally safer than in a rec boat; the two should really be taken together.
Also, auxilliary equipment goes along with boat and skills. What good is a pump in a rec boat? What good is a paddle float in a sea boat with no idea how to use it? Etc. Etc.
So, why not talk about all three together, and it will make far too much sense to offend anyone. It will also be a terrific service to kayaking safety in general.
It’s just a year and a month
since two athletic young women got into a pair of rec boats near Harwich on Cape Cod for a 10 minute jaunt. Offshore winds and fog disoriented and swamped them, and they both died. To me, the only conditions in which rec boats (i.e. boats with no flotation or sprayskirts) are safe is flat water within easy reach of shore in all directions, i.e. lakes and flat rivers. I cringe when I see people in their blue jeans and T-shirts paddling a recreational kayak (with the PFD under the bungees) in conditions in which I’m wearing a drysuit and have a half-dozen pieces of safety equipment on board–and it happens every year.
So I’m with the majority here–be honest and don’t worry about hurting rec boaters’ feelings. Many of them simply don’t have enough experience to make judgements about the risks involved. And that’s not a put-down in any way–I’m perfectly inexperienced in dozens of sports, and feel grateful rather than insulted when I get some guidance.
thank you - done
Thanks to all of you for your sound advice. My submitted article covered these three topics:
- boat features essential for safety
- accessories and safety gear essential for safety
- paddler skills essential for safety
The biggest concern-how much if any the editor might edit out
I would go with paddler type
Rather than the boat type. Something like these waters are for more advanced paddlers who have the proper equipment, skills and experience to handle paddling and rescue techniques in rough water and realize the risks associated with paddling in these conditions.