Keeping mobile phones dry

I rarely take pictures, but admit I do use it for occasional pictures. Agree that it could be a big mistake, especially when hands are tired and cramping from hard paddling. I previously put my phone and key fob in the same Pelican box, until I went to the truck and found the key fob missing. I found it in the bottom of the kayak. Now the fob has it’s own box. When I get out if the ksyak, I clip both boxes to my PFD straps (no D rings).

I think the key thing is really to keep the phone for emergencies only. If we care about pictures that much, better to invest a couple hundred $$ in a camera. I don’t care about pictures that much. As for keys/fobs, I put my wallet and keys in a plastic dry sack and attach it to the tether in my day hatch, but the phone always stays on me. But what’s the problem with a D ring?

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Just get a waterproof phone. It’s worth every penny.

Samsung galaxy have been ip68 since the S7.

I accidently dropped mine in the water many times. Swam with it. Salt water, fresh water . Still going strong

I use the $5 pouches on Amazon. They only last a few months at most, but when it leaks its no problem.

I like D rings to attatch the Pelican box carabiners to the PFD, but I can’t find a PFD with all the features I like and D rings. I don’t care about pictures that much either, but sometimes I want to take a picture that makes me feel that its worth risking my life. So I take the shot.

My phone is waterproof, but I don’t like exposing it to salt water.

I use a Kyocera Duraforce phone to take photos. It is a “rugged” phone which means, among other things, it is waterproof (and mine has gone swimming many times). You can buy them used on ebay for $50-$75. If you want to add service you can get a tracfone number and have all the features of your regular phone. My regular phone stays in 2 drybags under the hatch in my boat.

I had one of those for the same reason. It did some swimming w/ me in my PFD last year and decided to fritz out after that.
If I had to guess I’d say the seals were in the desert too much?
Now I hesitate to believe in waterproof phones.

I don’t. I just consider it a plus if it actually works.

You all have convinced me that the best thing is to take the phone, put it in a good dry sack (aquabag seems best) and only use it in emergencies.


Something like this. I Velcro it into the inside of my life vest, not much good if it’s on the boat and you fall out of the boat and you’re separated from it.

Turn it off, stick it in a drybag and stow it.

In my humble opinion the whole point of paddling is to unplug and recharge yourself.

A phone is an essential piece of emergency equipment so it is a good idea to take one with you, but make it your goal to not use it and not hear it while paddling.


Words to live by. I totally agree and it’s really good to be reminded of this core truth. Thanks.

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Use mine for tracking apps. Home may need to call me in emergency. I tell her call 2-3 times because once and I won’t answer. I also may not be able to answer due to conditions immediately.

Amazed that so many of you dont keep your wallet on you. You take a swim & get separated from the kayak you are screwed. As for phone I use the Magellan phone pouch & keep it in my pocket of my pants.

Put it in a dry bag. Then you won’t have to look at it every 15 minutes.
The best rivers have little or no phone reception.

I put phone in dry bag and stuff it in the right hand zipped up pocket of my PFD. Wallet and keys go in similar dry bag and is stuffed into left hand pocket and zipped up. Camera (waterproof) goes on lanyard to D-ring and sits in lower front pocket. Right hand front pocket has whistle and small air horn.

I am totally with you. I just have to get a pfd with 4 good pockets. At this point I only have 2. But your point is spot on, and I’ve been practicing something pretty close to what you recommend. Time to get a new pfd. What do you have?